Safeguarding policy
2. Policy overview
2. Policy Overview
2.1. This Policy aims to protect all children, young people and adults who need safeguarding (including employees, apprentices, and those on work experience); those who use our services or are cared for by others who use our services; and those with whom our staff, councillors, volunteers, commissioned contractors and consultants have contact. Appendix 2 sets out the types of potential abuse encapsulated under safeguarding. This Policy aims to:
provide guidance for staff, councillors, volunteers, contractors and consultants acting on behalf of Great Yarmouth Borough Council, protecting the Council and those individuals from failing to take safeguarding actions
ensure a person-centred approach which puts people's own needs and wishes first, hears their voice, respects their views, and upholds their human rights but recognises some safeguarding concerns will be required to be raised without consent
achieve the best possible outcomes for all individuals, including enabling all children and young people to Stay Safe, Be Healthy, Enjoy and Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution and Achieve Economic Wellbeing (Children Act 2004).
secure stable relationships with professionals built on trust but with respectful challenge if required
provide consistent support to help people to meet their individual needs, with all decisions taken in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 & Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act (MCA) 2019
ensure that everyone gets the support they need
provide a proportionate, timely, supportive, informed and professional response to anyone experiencing abuse or neglect.
ensure that the Council plays its full role in safeguarding and promoting the health and welfare of all children, young people and adults, at all times
create a safe and healthy environment within all of our services, avoiding situations where abuse or allegations of abuse may occur
2.2. Great Yarmouth Borough Council will:
work within national legislation and guidance
be an active member of multi-agency partnerships in Norfolk including Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership, Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP), Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Group (DASVG), County Lines and Channel / Prevent protocols
prevent harm and minimise risks by working closely with other agencies, supporting risk assessments, and providing proactive support
designate a senior manager to oversee and manage the Council's safeguarding activity
listen to and respect individual's wishes and feelings, empowering and supporting them to make their own choices, and promoting their rights, including publicising routes for self-referral
respond to concerns, unmet needs, and emerging issues quickly and in the individual's best interests
develop, implement, and maintain effective procedures for recording, tracking, and learning from incidents and how these were handled
implement safer recruitment procedures
identify training needs, develop plans and provide appropriate training for staff and councillors to enable them to recognise signs of potential harm and to act on any concerns in line with this policy
ensure ongoing supervision and support, in particular for those staff most likely to be dealing with those at risk of abuse or neglect
develop safe working practices and environments which reduce the risk and avoid situations where abuse or allegations of abuse may occur
aid staff, councillors, volunteers, contractors and consultants to respond sensitively and seriously to anyone who discloses information about abuse, ensuring that they are confident to take appropriate action regardless of whom the allegation is about (e.g., carer, staff, councillor, partner agency, etc.)
develop and implement effective procedures for recording and responding to complaints of alleged or suspected abuse by staff, councillors, volunteers, contractors, or consultants, ensuring they receive appropriate advice
raise awareness of the Council's responsibilities throughout the organisation, actively encouraging good practice and promoting wider awareness where possible e.g., through partnerships and other user groups
actively reflect on the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Practice.
2.3. This Policy covers six key topics of good safeguarding practice. Each is summarised in Appendix 1. They are:
1) Safeguarding Children and Young People
2) Safeguarding Adults at Risk
3) Domestic Abuse
4) Preventing Violent Extremism
5) Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
6) Hate Crime and Mate Crime