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Domestic Abuse policy

2. Aims and objectives

  1. 2. Aims and objectives

    1. 2.1. This policy:
      • commits the Council to support anyone who approaches Great Yarmouth Borough Council - no one should live in fear of violence, abuse, or harassment from a partner, ex-partner or any member of their family
      • embeds across the Council a culture where all disclosures of domestic abuse are taken seriously and treated in a non-judgemental way and assistance is given as a priority
      • ensures that all staff across the Council have the skills and knowledge to be able to identify signs of domestic abuse and be able to be act at the earliest opportunity
      • raises awareness among members of the public about how to make appropriate safeguarding referrals if it is believed a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of domestic abuse
      • complies with legislation and recognises children as victims of domestic abuse in their own right
      • ensures the Council works in partnership with other agencies to support anyone who approaches the Council and is experiencing or has experienced abuse to seek help
      • supports victims to be able to make their own decisions around their housing need and ensure the safety of the victim is always paramount
      • ensures that victims from every background regardless of their identity; gender; age; race; religion; class; or disability are treated as equals
      • works in partnership with the appropriate agencies and with perpetrators of domestic abuse who want to change their behaviour


Last modified on 13 December 2023

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