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Planning and building control

Building control

Even if you have received planning consent for your building project, you may still need building regulation consent before you can start work. The Planning Portal website lists all the supporting documents, known as 'approved documents'.

Pre-application planning advice

The Development Control department can provide advice prior to the submission of a planning application.

Planning information

Find out how to view or make a planning application, whether the development needs permission, how much it costs to make a planning application, and other frequently asked questions.

Planning forms

Make a planning application and view our local validation checklist, or view the habitats regulations assessment and guidance.

Planning enforcement

What to do if you think someone is carrying out work without the required permission, or not keeping to the conditions of their planning agreement.

Compliance with planning conditions and obligations

How to request written confirmation that a condition attached to a planning permission, or section 106 planning obligation, has been complied with.

Emergency Planning

The council's emergency planning team works very closely with the emergency services and partner agencies within the Norfolk Resilience Forum to make sure we have plans in place to respond to major incidents such as floods, fires, chemical releases or transport accident which may affect our communities or the environment.

Local land charges

Details of local land charge fees including LLC1, CON29, Q2 and Q22 searches.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL is a '£ per sqm' charge on new development to fund infrastructure needed to support growth of housing, employment, leisure and transport identified in the local plan. The draft charging schedule is supported by evidence including a viability report and infrastructure delivery plan. We are now consulting on the CIL draft charging schedule from 6 December 2024 to 31 January 2025.

Street naming and numbering

Fill out our online form to request a new name for a property that only has a number, a name change or the removal of a name. Also includes our Street Naming and Numbering Guidance Notes.

Article 4 directions

Information on the borough's article 4 directions that are used to withdraw specified permitted development rights across a defined area.

Environmental Impact Assessments

When assessing a planning application, we consider the impact on the environment through a process called Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Church Farm (land at) New Road / Beccles Road, Bradwell

Major planning application with links to documents.

Nova Scotia Farm, West Caister

Outline planning application for up to 665 dwellings with associated infrastructure.

The Conge, Brewery Street, George Street

Outline application for demolition of existing buildings and development of 89 dwellings, with some matters reserved.

Great Yarmouth Market, The Market Place, Great Yarmouth

Demolition of the existing covered market and construction of new six day covered market.

Modification of planning conditions relating to construction working hours

Great Yarmouth Borough Council's Policy and application forms for modification of planning conditions relating to construction working hours.

Planning obligations and developer contributions

Planning Obligations (also known as Section 106 agreements/obligations) are legal obligations related to planning permissions that require developers to undertake certain works or make financial contributions.

Planning and building control data

This page contains raw planning and building control data in tabular and geographic format.

Habitats regulations assessment guidance and forms

Guidance for assessing the impacts on internationally-protected wildlife sites, plus a shadow HRA template.

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