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Amenity Standards for Privately Rented dwellings

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) - Washing and Toilet Facilities

Where all or some of the individual units of living accommodation/ bedsits in an HMO or shared house do not contain bathing or toilet facilities for the exclusive use of each individual household.

  • 1 - 4 Persons

    • where reasonably practical there must be a wash hand basin with appropriate splash back in each unit of living accommodation; plus
    • at least 1 bathroom and 1 WC with a wash hand basin (the bathroom and WC may be combined)
  • 5 Persons

    • where reasonably practical there must be a wash hand basin with appropriate splash back in each unit of living accommodation; plus
    • 1 bathroom; and
    • 1 separate WC with wash hand basin (but the WC can be contained within a second bathroom)
  • 6 - 10 persons

    • where reasonably practical there must be a wash hand basin with appropriate splash back in each unit of living accommodation; plus
    • 2 bathrooms; and
    • 2 separate WCs with wash hand basins (but one of the WCs can be contained within one of the bathrooms)
  • 11 - 15 persons

    • where reasonably practical there must be a wash hand basin with appropriate splash back in each unit of living accommodation; plus
    • 3 bathrooms; and
    • 3 separate WCs with wash hand basins (but two of the WCs can be contained within 2 of the bathrooms)
  • 16+ persons

    • full consultation with the Local Authority required

Please note:

  • a "bathroom" means a room containing a bath or shower
  • all baths, showers, and wash hand basins must be equipped with taps providing an adequate supply of cold and constant hot water
  • all bathrooms and toilets must be of an adequate size and layout and must be fit for purposeb
  • baths and wash hand basins must have a suitable splash back
  • all bathrooms and toilets must be adequately ventilated and heated.
  • the flooring in all bathrooms and toilets must be water resistant, smooth, continuous, and free from any cracks or crevices as to facilitate easy cleaning (e.g.: ceramic or vinyl floor tiles or linoleum flooring)
  • all bathrooms and toilets must be suitably located in relation to the living accommodation.


Last modified on 04 January 2024

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