Repairs service
Who is responsible for what repairs?
What is the Council responsible for?
The Council is responsible for the fixtures and fittings supplied to your home and for the structure of the building.
The structure includes:
- roof
- walls
- doors
- window frames and glazing
- ceilings and plaster work
- drains and gutters
The services and main components within your home (installed by the Council or where we have accepted responsibility) includes:
- water, gas and electricity
- kitchen units
- baths, sinks and toilets
- heating systems and boilers including radiators
- wiring, sockets and light fittings
- hardwired smoke alarms
Shared areas that include:
- communal entrance doors and entry systems
- entrance halls, stairs and landings
- lifts
- communal TV aerials
- shared gardens and parking areas
- any adaptations for disabled household members recommended by social services and installed by the Independent Living team
What are you responsible for?
All tenants are responsible for any damage that they cause, in addition to any alterations they have sought permission for.
These include:
- any additional fittings (for example toilet roll holders, curtain rails)
- minor repairs such as:
- replacing sink and bath plugs
- replacing light bulbs (except fixed units)
- internal door handles
- unblocking sinks
- cleaning windows (except where part of your service charge)
- internal decoration (if you move into a new home, we may provide a decoration kit - you are asked to use this within six months)
- maintenance of your garden
- deliberate or accidental damage by tenants and other members of the household and their visitors for example broken glass, damage to internal doors; this does not include criminal damage that has been reported to the police for which a crime reference number has been obtained and passed to us
- lost security entrance door keys including fobs that can only be purchased from the Council
- your own items including cookers and their connections
- supply of gas and electricity to your home
- your own flooring including carpets and lino
- TV aerials and internet connections except those installed by us in communal areas
- minor repairs to plaster work and subsequent decoration
- additional security, for example window locks not supplied by the Council
Last modified on 02 March 2022