Great Yarmouth Borough Council to re-run final call for comments on key planning document due to coronavirus
Great Yarmouth Borough Council is re-running its final call for comments on the Local Plan Part Two, a key planning document which will guide and enable sustainable growth, development, jobs and investment until 2030 and beyond.
This final call is solely for comments on the soundness and legal compliance of the final draft, before submission to a Planning Inspector for independent examination. The representation period originally closed on Friday, May 22, but is now being re-run from June 1 to midnight 13 July, as a result of Covid-19, following legal advice.
While people were able to find information and take part online, the council was not able to make hard copies of the consultation documents available for public inspection for the full representation period, as the Town Hall and libraries closed part way through due to coronavirus social distancing measures.
While the Town Hall remains closed for general visits, hard copies of the consultation documents will now be made available to the public at the Town Hall by appointment only, to ensure safe social distancing measures can be maintained. All consultation material will remain online as well. The Council can also post copies of documentation to those who cannot view it online.
The content of the document has not changed. Anyone who previously submitted comments are being asked to confirm that their comments still stand. All representations received during the previous representation period will still be submitted to the Planning Inspector.
Comments can be made easily online at where the final draft can also be read, by email or by post. To request access to see the hard copies of the consultation materials, please call 01493 846534 or