Private sector landlords in part of Great Yarmouth invited to information sessions about agreed Selective Licensing Scheme
PRIVATE sector landlords with properties located within the area of a new Selective Licensing Scheme in Great Yarmouth will be able to apply for their required licence from Monday, December 3, in readiness for the agreed scheme going live on January 7, 2019.
Great Yarmouth Borough Council is also holding two drop-in information sessions, on December 5 and 6, to give landlords another opportunity to find out about the scheme, including the opportunity of "early bird" reduced application fees available to all applicants, plus other special offers, services and discounts available to those who choose to apply through scheme delivery partner Home Safe.
Landlords can also find this information online, which is where they will be able to submit applications from December 3.
Following a 10-week public consultation, full council agreed in September to introduce the scheme for the most challenged parts of the Nelson Ward, requiring landlords of most private rented housing there, except those already subject to mandatory licensing, to be licensed and meet conditions around health and safety and standards.
The aim is to help improve living conditions and quality of life for private sector tenants, while creating a level playing-field for ethical landlords, by making it harder for unethical landlords to prosper. The National Landlords Association is in support of the project, which would include financial penalties for those who break conditions or simply fail to apply.
Landlords are encouraged to make their applications through Home Safe in order to gain a range of special benefits, including discounted insurance, access to credit and reference checks and a B&Q Home Safe Tradepoint Card with a 10 per cent discount throughout the store.
Drop-in information sessions will take place in the Southgate Room, at Great Yarmouth Library, on Wednesday, December 5, from 4pm to 7pm, and in the Supper Room, at the Town Hall, on Thursday, December 6, from 9am to noon. Tenants are also welcome to attend.
Cllr Andy Grant, chairman of the housing and neighbourhoods committee, said: "This important scheme, which is about improving lives for residents, has been approved by full council following public consultation, and we are now focused on supporting landlords through the application process.
"The drop-in sessions aim to help inform landlords in the scheme area of the key facts of the scheme, including the dates for applications, the benefits of applying through Home Safe and the opportunity of securing reduced application fees by submitting early applications. Information is also available on our website."
Carl Agar, Chief Executive of Home Safe, said "We are delighted to be working with Great Yarmouth Borough Council as their delivery partner for this Selective Licensing scheme and look forward to working with landlords in the Nelson Ward.
"We are currently working in partnership with Doncaster Council for their three licensing schemes, and West Lindsey District Council with their Selective Licensing scheme, so we have plenty of experience in providing this service and look forward to working with landlords in the Nelson Ward.
"This is a truly innovative concept where landlords who are members of Home Safe will receive support and development opportunities to help them remain compliant and keep their properties free from hazards. From making the licence application straightforward and spreading the cost, to ensuring future compliance against licence conditions, we are here to help."
Gavin Dick, Local Authority Policy Officer at the National Landlords Association, said: "We encourage all landlords with property in the area to ensure they get their licence application in as early as possible to take advantage of early bird and NLA accredited member rates. It is rare for us to support a licensing scheme, but we believe this scheme will be well implemented and enforced, which will improve the private rented sector for all involved."