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Council to consult on draft planning document supporting growth and investment

GREAT Yarmouth Borough Council is inviting people to shape a key planning document which will help to guide and enable sustainable growth, development, jobs and investment until 2030 and beyond.


Many of the big decisions, plans and work in the borough are supported by the Local Plan, which comprises two main planning documents that provide the starting point for deciding planning applications.

In 2015, full council adopted the Local Plan Part 1, the Core Strategy, which defines two strategic locations for major residential and employment development, at Beacon Park and the riverside land in central Great Yarmouth, sets a housing target, and details overarching planning policies.

The council is now set to consult on the Local Plan Part 2, the draft Development Management Policies, Site Allocations and Revised Housing Target document, which includes provisional policies for deciding planning applications, suggested allocations of land for development, and also a proposed reduction in the overall housing target.   

This initial draft document has been developed by council officers and the cross-party local plan working party of borough councillors. People will be able to have their say between Monday, August 20 and Sunday, September 30. 

Significantly, the council is proposing that the overall housing target, originally set in the Core Strategy, is reduced from 7,140 over the period 2013 to 2030, down to 5,139, as a result of a revised Government method for calculating local housing need.

This means the draft document suggests fewer sites for housing development, as fewer draft housing allocations are required, in addition to the number of homes that have already received planning permission, are under construction or have been completed since 2013.

The suggested housing allocations aim at a sustainable and viable distribution of housing growth across the borough, when taking into account the development already completed or permitted.   

After the consultation, the draft document will be reviewed in light of the responses and further Government advice and data about revised planning policy and guidance, which could further alter the proposed overall housing target. The draft document will then be subject to further public consultation before being finalised. 

In a joint statement, Cllr Graham Plant, the council leader, and Cllr Trevor Wainwright, the Labour Group leader, said: "Sustainable development is vital to ensure the borough's economy continues to grow and future generations have jobs and the right mix of good quality homes, which are two of the council's top priorities. It also brings infrastructure improvements, such as new shops, roads and community facilities, which benefit the borough as a whole.

"This is about the borough's future - our future generations - and it's important that everyone has the opportunity to help shape this document, which will help ensure this growth and investment happens in a sustainable, co-ordinated way, meeting the needs and aspirations of communities.

"While the proposed overall housing target is likely to change again as more guidance and information is received from Government, the reduced figure is closer to the pace of housing delivery that we can achieve locally, and gives the community and council more control over planning decisions."

Consultation details
Great Yarmouth Borough Council will be holding a number of public exhibitions with officers available to speak to throughout the consultation at the following locations and dates:
•    Great Yarmouth Town Hall - 1pm to 7pm on Thursday, August 30
•    Ormesby St Margaret Village Hall, Station Road - 1pm to 7pm on Monday, September 3
•    New Road Sports and Village Centre, Belton - 1pm to 7pm on Friday, September 7
•    Gorleston Library - 11am to 5pm on Wednesday, September 19

Hard copies of the consultation document will be available for inspection throughout the consultation period at the Town Hall and local libraries. 

All comments must be received before midnight on Sunday, September 30. Those wishing to comment can either do it online at Planning Consultation (opens new window) or by completing a Local Plan comments form.  

Comments forms are available from the Town Hall, all public libraries in the borough and online during the consultation period. If required, a form can be posted out on request. Completed comments forms should be sent to: Strategic Planning Team, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 2QF.

Last modified on 16 August 2018

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