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Alcohol and entertainment licences

What licensing applications are currently open for representation?

Details of applications for a new premises licence, to vary a premises licence and review applications, received under the Licensing Act 2003, are listed in the table below.

Applications are subject to a 28-day consultation period. Please read the Guide to making a representation: Licensing Act 2003 information to help ensure your representation is relevant.

If a representation is to be submitted, either supporting or objecting to an application, it is advisable (where possible) to email the licensing application representation to

The full application of any of those listed in the table below can be viewed by emailing the Licensing Team.

Alcohol and entertainment licence applications
Application detailsType of applicationClosing date for representations

Express Store, 29 St Peters Road, Great Yarmouth NR30 3BQ

Grounds of review: based on the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance and protection of children from harm licensing objectives and relate to many incidents of unsocial behaviour including fighting, shouting, swearing, littering and persons urinating on the pavement.  Incidents occur during day time and night time.

Review18 March 2025

Live in the South Ltd

Great Yarmouth Racecourse, Jellicoe Road, Great Yarmouth NR30 4AU

Live and recorded music, performance of dance, anything similar to live music, recorded music and dance, and the supply of alcohol (on the premises) from 12:00 to 22:30 (Fri - Sun).

New31 March 2025
Last modified on 05 March 2025

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