Landlords invited to attend event to discuss Great Yarmouth's private rented sector
Great Yarmouth Borough Council is inviting landlords in the borough to attend a forum designed to hear from those in the rental sector and offer support and advice.

The event takes place in the Assembly Room at the Town Hall on Tuesday, November 26, and all landlords are welcome.
Councillor Paul Wells, Great Yarmouth Borough Council's portfolio holder for Environment and Sustainability, Licensing and Waste, said: ''We want to provide a really good opportunity for people to meet other landlords, agents and council staff.
''We are keen to hear about the issues which are important to landlords and want to offer support and advice about important legislative and policy changes that might be on the horizon.''
Councillor Trevor Wainwright, leader of the Labour group at Great Yarmouth Borough Council, said: ''The event will take a collaborative approach and we want to ensure all views are heard. It is crucial we engage with landlords as we look to share our vision for the borough and hope people will work alongside us on a range of shared objectives.''
A representative from The National Residential Landlords will also be at the forum to speak to attendees.
Among the topics on the agenda for the evening are legal and policy updates; dispelling myths around the council's Housing and Homelessness Strategy; and whether there is a future for Selective Licensing.
Details around support for private rented sector landlords will also be available and people will have the opportunity to share their thoughts about issues they feel important.
The event starts at 6.30pm and runs until 8pm and landlords interested in attending can find out more here: