Council tax statistics (2024/25)
How the Borough budget is funded
The 2024-25 Borough BudgetThe 2024-25 Borough Budget | £'000 | £ per head of population |
Gross Expenditure | 61,054 | 614 |
Parish Purposes | 797 | 8 |
Loans and investments as at 31 March 2023Loans and investments as at 31 March 2023 | £'000 |
Borrowing | 122,493 |
Investments | 3,160 |
People employed by the BoroughPeople employed by the Borough | 2023-24 | 2024-25 |
Part Time (head count) | 117 | 137 |
Full Time (head count) | 344 | 343 |
Estimated Full Time equivalents | 413 | 436 |
Population basis | 99,370 | |
Last modified on 12 April 2024