Town Deal: Our Place is Your Stage
How has the community been involved in shaping the plans?
Community and stakeholder engagement has been central to shaping the Town Investment Plan.
Over the last 3 years, the diverse Town Deal Board of local ambassadors from private, public and third sector organisations, including strategic thought leaders, investors and entrepreneurs, academics and creatives, has worked closely with the Council to develop the application, shaping it through feedback from two public surveys and discussions with young people and businesses about community needs and priorities.
After careful consideration of public feedback, which demonstrated strong community support for the exciting vision, investment is sought from Government towards projects across four interlocking themes:
- Regeneration & Business Development
- Skills & Aspiration
- Arts, Culture & Tourism
- Connectivity & Sustainability
In the local survey, 80% of nearly 400 respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the Town Investment Plan provides the right mix of priorities and ideas to make it a more attractive place to live, work, invest and create in. An overwhelming majority agreed that the investment themes are important or very important.