Tidal Defences Business Partnership
What is the value of the tidal defences?
The area currently supports some 21,200 direct jobs and wealth generation in the region of £859m each year (which in turn supports an additional 6,300 indirect jobs, worth a further £283m a year to the economy).
Further economic growth and development potential in the area increase this to a total of 26,700 direct jobs and £1.2bn wealth generation a year (supporting an additional 7,900 indirect jobs, worth a further £354m a year to the economy).
Investment in the tidal defences will enable Great Yarmouth to realise its full economic potential and unlock huge opportunities for businesses. But this can only happen if businesses assist in lobbying and levering in funding from every possible source.
A full Great Yarmouth Flood Risk: Economic Impact Report (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window) on the value of the defences is available to read.