Tenant Handbook

Welcome to your tenant handbook
This handbook contains lots of information to help you with your tenancy.
It explains your rights and responsibilities, as well as the Council's responsibilities as your landlord. It also gives details of the housing services the Council provides. This handbook is only a guide to our services and aims to answer the general queries you may have about your home and tenancy. More information available within the Council tenants section of the website.
Contacting us
How to contact the council housing service and other useful contacts.
Moving in
Information for tenants when moving into a council home
Your Tenancy
Information for council tenants about their tenancy, types of tenancies and right to buy.
Your Home
Information on repairs and maintenance for council homes.
Your Rent
Information on your rent including how to pay.
Your Neighbourhood
Information for tenants about community safety, anti-social behaviour and how we look after communal areas.
Getting involved
Information on how to share your views and be involved.
Making a complaint
Information on how to make a complaint when something has gone wrong.
Sheltered housing
Information on the sheltered housing the council runs.
Moving out
Information about moving out from a council home.