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Small Business Rate Relief Review (SBRR)

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Why are we undertaking the review?

We are reviewing business rated properties in receipt of Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR).  You can claim SBRR when you occupy a business rated property and the rateable value of the property is less than £15,000.  SBRR can only be claimed if you are not occupying more than one business rated property in England and Wales.  If you occupy a second property, you will keep getting an existing relief on your main property for 12 months.

In addition, you can keep getting SBRR on your main premises if none of your other properties have a rateable value above £2,899 and  the total rateable value of all your properties is less than £20,000.

We know that the majority of businesses will be claiming SBRR appropriately, there are however businesses that are not eligible for this relief and are still claiming it.

We are therefore contacting by email or letter those businesses that are in receipt of SBRR requesting that eligibility to the relief is confirmed by the completion of an online form.  Not only will this be a way of keeping our records up to date, it will also allow businesses to notify us if there has been a change in their circumstances. 

Please note that if you do not complete the online form within the timescale requested then we will assume you are no longer entitled to SBRR and you will have the relief removed.  An additional charge to business rates will become due as a result of the removal.

If you require a paper form to complete then please email requesting a paper version and stating why a webform cannot be completed.

We are dedicated to protecting the public purse and detecting fraud. We take Non-Domestic Rate fraud very seriously and investigate eligibility to reliefs claimed.  We would like to thank our business rates customers for their ongoing cooperation throughout this review.

How do I complete the Small Business Rates Review online?

Please confirm your current details by completing the:

SBRR Review FAQs

Great Yarmouth Borough Council are currently conducting a review of Small Business Rate Relief customers. We appreciate that in taking part in this review you may have questions.  

To help, we have included the most frequently asked questions that may arise throughout this review period below. 

Why have I received this letter?

The Council are reviewing the circumstances of businesses that are receiving Small Business Rate Relief . We are simply verifying eligibility to this relief. 

How do I complete the form?

The easiest way to reply to the review is by using the online service. Should a paper form be needed then one can be requested by emailing stating why an online form cannot be completed.

What happens if I don't complete the form? 

We will assume that your situation has changed and will remove your discount and you will receive a new business rates bill.

I have already informed the Council of a change in circumstances. Do I need to complete the form? 

Yes. Please complete the form by entering all the details of your current circumstances. 

What should I do if my circumstances are not covered in the examples above?

If you are still unsure how to complete the form, or your circumstances are not covered, please  request a paper form and return it  with a covering letter with an explanation of your current situation.

Last modified on 17 October 2024

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