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Waste collection policy

Assisted collections

The Council's assisted collection service is available to residents with a disability or mobility problem where no one else in the household is able to take the containers to the normal collection point. Those persons who receive an assisted collection the crews will collect the containers from an agreed collection point, empty the containers and in the case of wheeled bins return them back to the agreed collection point.

Residents who wish to request an assisted collection must fully fill out an application available online on the Councils website or by contacting the Council. Applications not fully completed will not be considered.

A request for an Assisted Collection will be considered where:

  • there is nobody else at the residents property who could put the containers out for collection, for example they live alone
  • the person can provide evidence, where requested, of the need for assistance, such as receipt of Personal Independence Payment, receipt of Disability Living Allowance, or a letter from the GP

Where other persons capable of putting the containers out live at the property, the application will be declined. Other than disability or mobility reasons applications will also be declined where a person has other reasons for not being able to place a bin out for collection, for example they are on holiday or at work.

Where necessary once a request has been made the Council will visit the property to discuss individual needs, clarify or further assess any queries around the person's ability to meet the criteria and if appropriate, agree a collection point for the containers.

When agreeing a position for wheeled bins to be sited, whilst taking in the physical capabilities of the householder and their ability to be able to take waste to the bin, it will also take into account that the location must be easily accessible for the crew . This will take into account physical obstacles such as steps and gravel drives which may cause issues with moving a full bin or carrying bags. 

The decision of where to place the containers will be based on ease of collection and usage of the containers and not based on street scene aesthetics.

Wherever possible the bins will be stored at the front of the property to enable easy collection, or at the rear if the collection road is situated at the rear of the property. All containers must be kept in the same location.

Where a garden or the bins becomes inaccessible due to overgrown shrubs, trees or other items or if operative feel it unsafe to enter a garden such as a free roaming dog then collection will not occur and the resident will be notified of why collection did not occur .In such cases the Council will not return to empty the bin or remove any bags until the next scheduled collection and if the bin/bags are still inaccessible the service will be suspended until the issue is resolved. It will be down to the householder to deal with any additional waste as a result of the non-collection or arrange an additional empty which would be chargeable.

Checks will be carried out by the Council every two years on the resident's suitability for an assisted collection and evidence requested from the householder. Any change in circumstance must be notified to the Council as soon as possible. If the Council becomes aware that the situation at a property has changed, or that inaccurate or false information has been provided in an application and persons are present at a property who are capable of putting containers out for collection it reserves the right to withdraw the service and will inform the resident accordingly.

Last modified on 19 July 2024

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