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Housing repairs policy

Tenant alterations

Tenants at times will naturally want to improve, or alter, their Council dwelling and indeed they have the right to make certain improvements. In accordance with our Tenant Improvement Policy some improvements cannot be carried out without our written consent and tenants must request permission in writing, by completing a Tenant Alteration and Property Improvement Application Form (see How do I make an improvement to my home?) and receive permission before commencing any work. Although we cannot unreasonably withhold permission, tenants may be asked to remove any unauthorised alterations to a property at their own cost and put it back to the Council's standard. The tenant making the alteration will be responsible for the repairs and maintenance of these items whilst they remain the tenant, or if they moved into the dwelling where the alteration has been carried out, by mutual exchange.

A secure tenant of a local authority may have the right to be compensated for the improvements that they carry out to their property. The compensation is only paid for certain types of improvement and can only be claimed at the end of the tenancy. For further details please see Appendix E.

Last modified on 21 August 2024

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