Policies and strategies
This page brings together Great Yarmouth Borough Council's official documents and policies, including our:
- Corporate plan
- Code of corporate governance
- Constitution
- Corporate communications strategy
- Procurement and Commissioning Strategy
List of policies and strategies
Adaptations policy for Council Tenants
Sets out the Council's approach to the provision of aids and adaptations for Council tenants, who is eligible to receive them, and how they will be delivered.
Annual Governance Statement 2023/24
The Annual Governance Statement shows the arrangements that are in place for ensuring good governance and the management of risk. This statement is for the financial year 2023 to 2024.
Anti-fraud, corruption and bribery policy
This policy has been formulated by the Council to protect itself against fraud, corruption and bribery, both within the Borough Council and from outside.
Anti-money laundering policy
The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate that the Council embraces the underlying principles of money laundering legislation and is taking reasonable steps to minimise the likelihood of such activities occurring.
Anti-Social Behaviour Policy
This policy document tells you what we mean by "anti-social behaviour" (ASB). It outlines what we want our services to achieve for people experiencing ASB and sets out the principles for the kind of service we aim to provide.
Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2024-2029
This strategy sets out the Council's priorities for preventing and tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) for the next five years, with the aim of ensuring that residents throughout the borough of Great Yarmouth reside and feel safe in local communities.
Appropriate Policy for the Processing of Special Category and Criminal Offence Data
Covers all processing carried out by the Council which is subject to GDPR Article 9 - processing of special categories of personal data and Article 10 - processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences.
Capital strategy
This report gives a highâlevel overview of how capital expenditure, capital financing and treasury management activity contribute to the provision of local public services, along with an overview of how associated risk is managed, and the implications for future financial sustainability.
Community Housing Fund Policy
This policy sets out the Council's approach to using the Community Housing Fund monies to assist the establishment of Community Led Housing Organisations (CLHOs) and those CLHOs to bring forward sites to deliver affordable housing through the provision of grants and loans.
Corporate asset management plan (2018-2022)
The primary aim of the strategy is to support the corporate priorities, achieve service requirements and comply with statutory duties by setting out the vision to improve the management and utilisation of our land and buildings. This strategy will provide the basis for developing a more robust and integrated approach to asset management across Great Yarmouth Borough Council.
Corporate complaints and compliments policy
This policy details Great Yarmouth Borough Council's approach to complaints, compliments and comments received from its customers. The policy will apply to all Council services and provide clear framework for customers and staff to use.
Corporate enforcement policy
This policy sets out what businesses and individuals being regulated by the Council can expect from the Council's enforcement officers.
Council Tax Business Rates and Housing Benefits Overpayments Recovery Policy
Great Yarmouth Borough Council has a duty to ensure that all revenue due to the council is collected efficiently and effectively for the benefit of all council taxpayers. This policy details the Revenues Section's approach to recovery. Best practice will be applied to all debt collection and recovery activities within appropriate legal powers.
Councillors Code of Conduct complaints procedure
Sets out how a complaint may be made about an elected or co-opted member of Great Yarmouth Borough Council or the parish councils within the borough.
Culture, Heritage and Tourism strategy
By 2030, we want the borough to be a place where culture and creativity are valued, where it enables wellbeing and economic prosperity plus where visitors come all year-round to enjoy our natural and built environment and engage with our rich and diverse culture.
Data protection policy
This policy forms part of the Council's data and information handling policies and should be read in conjunction with the Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Policies. This policy has been written to ensure that the council complies with its obligations and statutory requirements under the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Dealing with abusive, persistent or vexatious complaints and complainants policy
Sets out a standard set of conditions and a framework for complaint handling within the Council.
Digital strategy (2024)
Sets out our digital vision to become a Smart Borough, where digital will be the first choice for our customers and no one will be left behind.
Domestic Abuse policy
This policy sets out how Great Yarmouth Borough Council (The Council) will assist and support any person who approaches the organisation experiencing or threatened with domestic abuse from either within or outside of the borough.
Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members
Great Yarmouth Borough Council recognises that its employees will be amongst those affected by domestic abuse; for example, as a survivor of domestic abuse, an individual who is currently living with domestic abuse, someone who has been impacted upon by domestic abuse or as an individual who perpetrates domestic abuse.
Economic strategy (2020-2025)
Sets out how we will continue to work with partners to drive forward our exciting vision of a strong and growing economy.
Empty Homes Strategy (2023-2028)
Great Yarmouth Borough Council is committed to bringing empty homes back into use, in particular those properties which have been empty for long periods of time.
Environmental information regulations policy
Outlines how Great Yarmouth Borough Council complies with its obligations and requirements under the Environmental Information Regulations.
Equality action plan
Outlines the Council's four equality priorities with desired outcomes, timescales and current status.
Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy
Sets out what the Council will do to support Great Yarmouth be a place where people of different backgrounds can thrive.
Fees and charges policy
Outlines the way in which the Council's charging structures are informed and implemented.
Freedom of information policy
This policy has been written to ensure that the council complies with its obligations and requirements under the Freedom of Information act. This policy seeks to establish a standard set of conditions, and a framework for transparency of information within the Council. The Policy is designed to ensure that there are clear internal arrangements for the effective management of information transparency.
Gambling policy
Outlines how we aim to stop gambling from causing crime or disorder.
Great Yarmouth Skills and Employability Strategy 2024-2029
Residents and employers are at the heart of the Council's ambitions to foster a vibrant and inclusive coastal economy where residents of all ages and backgrounds can flourish here and reach their full potential. The Great Yarmouth Skills and Employability Strategy sets out the challenges and opportunities and provides a collaborative blueprint for the Council, the Great Yarmouth Skills Taskforce, partners, educators, trainers, residents and employers to design projects and activities that achieve their aims.
Homelessness Strategy 2024-2029
This strategy's vision is to "prevent homelessness and where households become homeless, ensure that there are a range of suitable housing solutions".
Housing allocations scheme 2021
Sets out how each application to join the housing register will be assessed on its individual merits, taking into account the needs of the applicant and any members of their household as a whole.
Housing repairs policy
How we manage repairs and maintenance for council housing.
Housing strategy 2024-29
Sets out how the Council will work with organisations in the private and public sector.
Information Requests Charging Policy
Outlines our policy on charging for requests made under the FOI Act 2000 and will be used as the basis for any calculations for dealing with requests under the EIR 2004.
Investment strategy
This investment strategy meets the requirements of statutory guidance issued by the government.
Leasehold Management policy
Outlines our principles and approach to managing the leasehold service.
Leasehold service charge arrears policy
Sets out the way the Council manages leaseholder debts in a firm but fair way to maximise its income, ensuring that a consistent approach is taken while taking into account individual circumstances.
Licensing policy
Outlines how we consider applications for licenses.
Local Plan core strategy
Outlines the vision and objectives for how the Borough will develop and grow in the future.
Locality strategy (2021-2026)
Outlines the commitment to work on prevention and early help support to improve the lives of the people in our Borough.
Market Licence policy
Any trader who commences trading in the Market at Great Yarmouth with permission from the Borough Council agrees to abide by this Policy as part of and incorporated into all Licence agreements.
Media and Publicity protocols
Sets out practical working practices to support our day-to-day corporate communications and publicity, including media relations.
Mobility scooter policy
This policy sets out Great Yarmouth Borough Council's approach to the management and use of mobility scooters by residents in all our properties, within communal areas and in the homes of tenants and leaseholders.
National Data Opt-Out Policy
Policy to ensure the Council is compliant with obligations and statutory requirements under the National Data Opt-out Policy.
Pay policy statement
This statement outlines how we pay our staff.
Planning enforcement policy
The Enforcement Policy explains the planning enforcement function, it breaks down the various Breaches of Planning Control and Criminal Offences that Planning Enforcement is empowered to address.
Private sector adaptations and improvement policy
The Council seeks to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of residents of the borough who live in private sector housing. We do this through the promotion and delivery of a range of assistance that supports residents to live independently and well.
Private Sector Housing Civil Financial Penalty Policy
This policy outlines the Council's policy in setting the level of a civil penalty in each case where it has been determined to issue a civil penalty as an alternative to prosecution proceedings.
Property Acquisitions and Disposals Policy
This policy encompasses social housing, market sale housing, market rent housing, commercial properties and land.
Protocol on use of Local Authority Resources
To inform and advise members regarding the adoption of a Protocol for Members' Use of Local Authority Resources.
Publication scheme
This scheme sets out how the Council makes information available to the public as part of its normal business activities.
Rechargeable repairs policy
This policy draws together various existing arrangements already identified in the Tenancy Agreement, Tenants Handbook and aspects of the Repairs Policy under which some recharges are made. It provides guidance on recharging the cost of repairs undertaken by Great Yarmouth Borough Council (through our repairs partner GYN).
Records management policy
This Records Management Policy sets out Great Yarmouth Borough Council's commitment to ensuring a systematic, lawful and authorised way of maintaining, storing, sharing, disposing and otherwise processing all its records.
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA)
This policy describes the steps that must be undertaken by officers if they require authorisation of a Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act request. It also includes the process necessary to complete the cycle once an authorisation has been granted.
Rent income and arrears policy
Great Yarmouth Borough Council Community Housing recognises that an effective strategy for the management of its housing rental income is essential to the smooth operation of its housing management service. This policy reflects the organisations need for clear lines of accountability in the management of housing income.
Right to buy policy
Outlines how Great Yarmouth Borough Council delivers the Right to Buy scheme which enables the Council's secure tenants who are eligible for the scheme to purchase their homes at discounted rates.
Risk Management framework
Outlines how we identify, assess and manage the risks facing our organisation.
Safeguarding policy
Safeguarding encompasses legal duties and responsibilities to protect people's health, wellbeing, and human rights, supporting them to prevent problems from escalating and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse, and neglect.
Sickness management policy
Outlines how we aim to provide clarity as well as a sensitive, fair and consistent framework for managing staff attendance.
Sport, Play and Leisure strategy (2015-2029)
Outlines how we seek to promote physical and mental well-being, and a huge range of activities (beyond sport) that can help in the pursuit of this goal.
Tenancy fraud policy
Outlines approach to investigating fraud in social housing.
Tenancy policy
This policy covers the tenancies offered by Great Yarmouth Borough Council and sets out the Council's approach to the provision of tenancies and mutual exchanges within its own housing stock.
Tenancy strategy
The Localism Act 2011 placed a duty on local authorities to produce, publish and review a Tenancy Strategy setting out the matters to which registered providers are to have regard when setting their own policies.
Tenant and Leaseholder Alteration and Improvement Policy
The tenant and leaseholder alteration and improvement policy approved August 2024
Treasury management strategy
Treasury management is the management of the Council's cash flows, borrowing and investments, and the associated risks.
Void management policy and void standard
Outlines the Council's approach to managing void properties and the standard of works in social housing.
Warning marker policy
This document sets out the corporate policy with respect to the use of markers on service user's records and the corporate warning marker system.
Waste collection policy
Great Yarmouth Borough Council is classed as the Waste Collection Authority, and as such, under section 45 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, have a statutory duty to collect household waste from all domestic properties within the Borough.
Whistleblowing policy
This policy is designed to ensure that people know how to raise a genuine concern (such as injustice, malpractice or serious wrongdoing within the Council) and can do so in the knowledge that they will not face reprisal for their action.