Current planning consultations
Great Yarmouth Local Plan Regulation 19 (Pre-submission)
In accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 representations were invited on the publication version of the Great Yarmouth Local Plan. The consultation opened on 6 December 2024 and closed on 31 January 2025.
All 'duly-made' representations will now be processed and submitted to the Secretary of State for independent Examination, expected to take place during 2025. This will involve the appointment of an independent Planning Inspector, who will examine the Local Plan in detail on issues of soundness, legal compliance and compliance with the duty to cooperate.
Representations were invited that focused on whether the plan is legally compliant and meets the tests of 'soundness' as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
The pre-submission documents that were consulted upon can be viewed below:
- Great Yarmouth Local Plan Pre-Submission Document (PDF, 25 MB)(opens new window)
- Policies Map (Interactive Version) (opens new window)
- Statement of Representations Procedure (PDF, 175 KB)(opens new window)
Further information including guidance documents, details of consultation events and evidence base documents can be viewed on the Emerging Local Plan page.
Great Yarmouth Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule
As part of the preparation of the emerging Local plan, the Council has considered whether it would be appropriate to introduce a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Consequently, following the March to May 2024 preliminary CIL consultation, the Council has produced a draft charging schedule and supporting evidence documents.
CIL is a levy which local authorities can introduce to require developers to make financial contributions towards the provision of infrastructure to support new development. Most development has some impact on the need for infrastructure and services, or benefits from them. CIL helps to ensure that the infrastructure that is needed to make development acceptable is funded and delivered.
Consultation on CIL draft charging schedule ran from 6 December 2024 to 31 January 2025.
The consultation documents and comments received during the consultation period will now be sent to the Planning Inspectorate. Following submission, there will be an examination of the draft CIL charging schedule alongside the local plan examination.
Further details are available on our Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule page.
Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan
The Borough Council consulted upon the Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan (2022-38) between 24 May 2024 and 5 July 2024. If adopted, the neighbourhood plan's policies will be used to help decide planning applications in the area.
Upon appointment of an independent examiner, the plan, together with all duly made representations, shall be submitted for examination. Further updates regarding the appointment of the independent examiner and the formal commencement of examination will be provided on the Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan status page.
Register as a consultee
If you wish to register as a consultee, or wish to be informed of any future strategic planning consultations, please register your details via our Local Plan mailing list form.