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North Quay regeneration

What will happen next?

The Council has already approached some current landowners and occupiers within the area comprising the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for North Quay to seek to acquire their land and property by reasonable agreement. Further approaches will be made from August 2023.

The Council will be shortly commencing a formal search for a suitable Master Developer with the necessary skills, resources, and expertise to meet the planning and development objectives set out in the adopted SPD.

Any party which is affected by the proposed development will have the opportunity to object to both the planning application, when it is submitted and, as if appropriate, to the Council's decision to use its CPO powers to support that planning decision. Once the Council have secured agreement to voluntarily purchase as much of the land/property and rights affected by the North Quay regeneration as is possible the Council will seek authority from their Cabinet to make a CPO in respect of land/property/rights not yet acquired.

Last modified on 23 January 2025

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