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North Quay regeneration

Planning policy

North Quay forms an integral part of the Great Yarmouth Waterfront Area in central Great Yarmouth and is identified in the 2015 adopted Local Plan Part 1 (Core Strategy Policy CS17) as a catalyst for helping deliver the transformation and regeneration of the wider Waterfront area. The Local Plan Part 2 amends a small number of policies in the Core Strategy.

Policy CS17 in the Local Plan Core Strategy highlights that North Quay represents an area considered under-utilised but offers potential for developing a mixed-use quarter. As it is a key element of the Plan's Vision, North Quay must be considered in the context of its relationship with other key areas and sites including: the Conge, the Town Centre, Hall Quay and the Third River Crossing - a major £121 million infrastructure project which opened in February 2024.

The North Quay Supplementary Planning Document which was adopted in 2020 sets out a positive and flexible vision and framework for the redevelopment. This document is not a blueprint for the redevelopment of the site but does explain the objective that proposals will be of high quality design and successful place making which reflect the characteristics of the area, not least of which is its water frontage and key location between the town centre and the railway station.

The current Local Plan covers the period from 2013 to 2030 and is currently under review. Consultation on a new draft Local Plan covering the period to 2041 has recently taken place and will eventually replace the Core Strategy and the Local Plan Part 2. . Draft Policy URB4 of the new draft Local Plan continues to identify the North Quay area as a significant mixed-use regeneration opportunity and seeks the development of residential, retail, leisure and business uses to be of exceptional urban design.

Key Council objectives for North Quay

  • improve the character of the area through high quality design, creating an attractive gateway to the town centre
  • open up the riverfront to residents, employees and visitors
  • attract high-quality land uses
  • exploit the impressive views over Breydon Water and the Broads National Park
  • encourage future investment in Great Yarmouth
  • help connect the town centre more closely with strategic gateways including the railway station, Fullers Hill, The Conge and Hall Quay

The scheme will be delivered at a scale and mix that will be appropriate for the location, protecting and enhancing the natural, built and historic assets, resulting in a vibrant urban quarter with an enhanced public realm.

Key markers indicated on the map include:

  • gateways at Fullers Hill roundabout and Vauxhall Bridge
  • a key junction with The Conge
  • the position of listed buildings
  • a key frontage with a potential waterfront path, providing views across Breydon Water
  • key pedestrian link to the station
  • secondary street along the eastern boundary
Last modified on 07 June 2024

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