Management structure
The following make up the Great Yarmouth Borough Council management team as of 1 October 2024.
Executive Leadership Team
Chief Executive Officer (Head of Paid Service)
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846300
Executive Director - Major Projects
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846239
- services:
- Capital Projects and Growth
Executive Director - People
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846450
- services:
- Strategic Housing
- Independent Living
- Health
- Integration and Communities
- Customer Services
- Equinox
- Repairs and maintenance
- HRA Tenancy management
- Rents
Executive Director - Place
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846746
- services:
- Environment and Sustainability
- Planning
- Inward Investment
- Property and Asset Management
Executive Director - Resources (Section 151 Officer)
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846811
- services:
- Finance
- IT, Marketing and Communications
- Organisational Development
Head of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer)
- email:
- telephone: 01603 223736
- services:
- Legal Services
- Democratic Services
- Contract Management
- Procurement
- Compliance
- Corporate health and safety
Group Management Team
Managing Director
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846367
- services:
- Great Yarmouth Services Ltd
Head of Customer Services
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846536
- services:
- Customer Services
- Parking Services
- Bereavement Services
- Crematorium
- Cashiers
- Reception
- Post and Scanning
- Revenues and Benefits
- Sundry Debtors
- Revenue Support
Head of Environment and Sustainability
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846852
- services:
- Commercial
- Anti-Social Behaviour
- Environmental Services
- Civil Contingencies
- Environmental Protection and Enforcement
- Port Health
- Waste and Grounds Maintenance
- Private Sector Housing Standards
- Community Safety
- Elections
- Licensing
Head of Growth and Capital Projects
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846643
- services:
- Infrastructure and Regeneration
Head of Housing Assets
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846516
- services:
- Tenancy Services
- HRA Income
- Housing Assets
Head of Inward Investment
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846640
- services:
- Conservation
- Regeneration and Funding
- Arts and Culture
- Economic Growth and Business Engagement
- Sports and Leisure
Head of IT, Marketing and Communications
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846120
- services:
- IT
- Communications
- Marketing
- Print and Design
- Events
- Civic
- Porters
Head of Organisational Development
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846267
- services:
- Organisational Development
- Human Resources
- Payroll
Head of Planning
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846624
- services:
- Development Management
- Strategic Planning
- Building Control
- Land Charges
- Community Right to Bid
- Street Naming and Numbering
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
Head of Property and Asset Management
- email:
- telephone: 01493846845
- services:
- Property Services
- Construction Services
- Markets
- Coastal Protection
- Footway Lighting
- Building Cleansing
Head of Strategic Housing
- email:
- telephone: 01493 846792
- services:
- Housing Strategy and Delivery
- Strategic Housing
- Housing Options
- Homelessness
- Independent Living
Last modified on 17 September 2024