Great Yarmouth Market Place
What's included with a market place stall

Leasing one of the new Market Place stalls offers a range of benefits including flexible terms. Your business could take advantage of this unique development which is set in the prime locations of the town's centre. You will also be part of the bigger town centre plans, including 'The Place' which is opening in Spring of 2025, which will offer a new location for the library and a learning hub which will give access to a wide variety of courses. 'The Place' should also see improved footfall in the town centre. The works will also be completed to the landscaped area at the front of the market which will provide an open area for visitors, space for the 2 day market and facilitate other events throughout the year including the Easter fair.
Each unit comes with electric, and some have gas connections. Water is also available on each stall should it be required. Traders also have private access to a toilet block. While traders are responsible for the maintenance in their unit including shutters and doors the Council will maintain the exterior. There is a service charge of 1/27th of the total costs of maintaining the market.
The Market Place is fully supported by Market Officers, who are available to assist traders when required to ensure the smooth running of the Market.