Fees and charges
This section provides details on the fees and charges for services provided by Great Yarmouth Borough Council.
Customer Services
Funeral Services
Fees and charges relating to funeral services from Great Yarmouth Borough Council.
Pay and display car parks
Fees and charges relating parking in Great Yarmouth.
Environmental Services
Local Authority permits for Part B installations
Fees relating to local authority permits (Part B installations), as prescribed by the UK Government.
Environmental Health: local licenses
Fees relating to local licenses for Great Yarmouth businesses, such as for animals, houses in multiple occupancy, food hygiene.
Fees relating to waste services for Great Yarmouth, such as garden bins, replacement bins and bulky item collection.
Fees relating to licenses for Great Yarmouth businesses, such as taxis, gambling and outdoor pavement use.
Sports and Leisure
Fees relating to sport and leisure facilities at Great Yarmouth, such as pitch and putt, tennis, bowling and the Wellesley recreation ground.
Planning and Growth
Fees relating to planning in Great Yarmouth, such as land searches, street naming and numbering, maps and application fees.
Housing Needs and Welfare Services
Fees relating to Housing Services at Great Yarmouth, such as community alarms.
Property and Asset Management
Market Place
Fees relating to Great Yarmouth's market place, such as the two day market and specialist events.
Market fairs
Fees relating to market fairs at Great Yarmouth.
Beach huts
Fees relating to beach huts at Gorleston and Great Yarmouth.
Event and event car parking fees
Fees relating to events taking place in Great Yarmouth, such as applications and car parking.
Communications and Marketing
Filming and Photography
Fees relating to commercial filming and photography in Great Yarmouth.
Town Hall
Fees relating to events arranged at the Great Yarmouth Town Hall, such as room hire for civil and wedding ceremonies.
Previous financial periods
Fees and charges 2023-24
Fees and charges from Great Yarmouth Borough Council for the 2023/24 financial period.
Fees and charges 2022-23
Fees and charges from Great Yarmouth Borough Council for the 2022/23 financial period.
Fees and charges 2021-22
Fees and charges from Great Yarmouth Borough Council for the 2021/22 financial period.