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Council Tax

 Changes for 2025/26 that may affect you

Adult Social Funding Precept

The 2025-26 council tax attributable to Norfolk County Council includes a precept to fund adult social care. The increase of 5.0% for 2025-26 is calculated based on the total council tax charged by Norfolk County Council in 2024-25 (a 5% increase on the total of the Norfolk County Council - General and Norfolk County Council - Adult Social Care Precept elements of 2024-25 council tax bills).

The presentation of council tax bills is set out by Government (the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) in regulations each year. The display of elements of the council tax bill relating to Norfolk County Council has therefore changed from that used in 2024-25. For 2025-26 the prescribed approach requires billing authorities to adjust the presentation of the council tax charge by Adult Social Care authorities on council tax bills to show a single line for a total cash charge and annual increase, with one cash figure and one percentage figure.

For more information, please visit Norfolk County Council's tax information.

Second Home Premium

From 1 April 2025, there will be an introduction of an additional premium for properties that are registered as a second homes. This will mean that a further premium of 100% will be charged to these properties and therefore the total Council Tax charge will be 200%.

The definition of a second home for Council Tax purposed is a dwelling which has 'no one resident' but is 'substantially furnished'.

There are certain circumstances (exceptions) where a second home premium will not apply. Any second homeowner who does not feel the premium should apply to their property, for example because it is not a second home or it falls into an excepted category, can contact the council by completing our online occupation of a second home form which is available in the link below. This also contains details of the exceptions to the premiums.

Council Tax Overview and Paying

Council Tax is your contribution towards the vital services we provide. Find our how to pay your council tax, how to appeal and whether you have to pay council tax on a second home.

Council Tax Discounts, Exemptions and Support

Depending on your individual circumstances you may be entitled to a reduction in your Council Tax.

Notify us if you have moved into the borough or have changed address

Use these forms to let us know if you moved into the borough or have changed address

Council Tax - Voice messages and texts

Automated voice messages about council tax from Great Yarmouth Borough Council will come from 01493 236084, 01493 236118, 01493 236048 or 01493 236153 and text messages will show as GYBC. The Council may use these channels to contact council tax customers about their accounts.

Council Tax, Business Rates, Sundry Debts and Benefits Online Portal

This portal gives you access to be able to view your Council Tax account, Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support claim, Business Rates account or Sundry Debt account that you may hold with Great Yarmouth Borough Council.

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