Leader and Cabinet information

Leader of the Council

The Leader of the Council is Councillor Carl Smith (opens new window). He was appointed as Leader of the Council at the Annual General Meeting of the Full council held on 18 May 2023.

The Deputy Leader of the Council is Councillor Graham Plant (opens new window). He was appointed as Deputy Leader at the Annual General Meeting of the Full council held on the 18 May 2023.

The Cabinet

Who is in the Cabinet?

The Council's Cabinet is made up of six Councillors
MemberPortfolio Holder for
Councillor Carl Smith (opens new window) - LeaderGovernance, Finance and Major Projects
Councillor Graham Plant (opens new window) - Deputy LeaderOperational Property and Asset Management
Councillor Emma Flaxman-Taylor (opens new window)Housing, Health and Communities
Councillor Daniel Candon (opens new window)Economic Development and Growth
Councillor Paul Wells (opens new window)Environment and Sustainability, Licensing and Waste
Councillor James Bensly (opens new window)Tourism, Culture and Coastal Management

What does the Cabinet do?

The Cabinet is the part of the Council that is responsible for most day-to-day decisions and carries out all of the Council's functions that are not the responsibility of any other part of the Council, whether by law or under the Council's Constitution.

The Cabinet meets monthly and consists of the Leader of the council plus five councillors who are formally appointed by the Leader at the Annual meeting of Council. Each member appointed to the Cabinet has responsibility for one or more areas of Council work (known as 'portfolios'), such as Finance, Housing, and Economic Growth.

Meetings of the Cabinet are open to the public with meetings being held at the Town Hall, Great Yarmouth.

View Cabinet Meeting information on CMIS (opens new window)


Forward Plan (Cabinet Notice)

The Council is required to publish details of Key Decisions which are to be considered by the Cabinet 28 calender days prior to the meeting.

The Forward Plan sets out the decisions that the Cabinet will be taking over the coming months. The Plan highlights the decisions that Cabinet intend to take, which may result in part of the meeting being held in private, and identifies which decisions are key.

This document will be updated and republished on the Council's website each month. Any queries relating to the Forward Plan should be forwarded to Democratic Services, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF or via email to memberservices@great-yarmouth.gov.uk.

View the Forward Plan on CMIS (opens new window)

Last modified on 22 May 2024

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