Park rules - Burgh Hall Park
- one member of a partnership must be over 55 years old
- no children are allowed to be a permanent resident and no more than 2 adults per home
- visiting friends and family members and their children are allowed to stay for a maximum of 2 months at a time
- one dog or cat only ill be allowed by new tenants on the understanding that they will not be replaced when they die
- cats - only one per household where existing
- no business is to be run from the park
- tenants must not allow parking on the grass or roadways. Parking on the roadways for the delivering of goods is acceptable
- a speed limit of 10mph
- park gates to be closed between dusk and dawn. Residents must ensure that gates are closed after their visitors leave during dark hours
- homes to be properly maintained and repainted at least once every 5 years
- residents responsible for maintenance of tiny gardens
- compostable garden waste can be put in the designated area in the woods but no other material without permission
Contact details
Burgh Hall Park Ltd.
- Address:
Burgh Hall Park
Tower Road
Burgh St Margaret
Great Yarmouth
NR29 3DW - Telephone and FAX:
01493 369394
Last modified on 08 November 2023