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Great Yarmouth Borough Council adopts new open space planning guidance

Great Yarmouth Borough Council has formally adopted its Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) following a public consultation.

Following the consultation at the end of last year, the new document is a planning framework that provides guidance for developers, architects and planners on how to incorporate open space into their developments. This includes the creation of new parks, green spaces and other public areas, as well as the protection of existing open spaces.

Information in the document includes the requirements for providing open space within a development site (on-site) and where this cannot be provided, how it can be secured 'off-site' with planning contributions, the mechanisms for such payments and potential spending arrangements for payments.

There is also guidance around how to ensure that open spaces are well managed and maintained. And there is a principle that open spaces are designed to ensure they meet a wide range of recreational needs, enhance ecological connectivity and support sustainable drainage.

The document has been published with supporting materials including an adoption statement and a consultation statement, which sets out how comments have been considered in the preparation of the SPD.

The documents can be viewed on Great Yarmouth Borough Council's website and can also be inspected at the Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 2QF. Accessible copies of the SPD can be made available upon request for those who have trouble viewing the document via the Council's website. Requests should be made to the Strategic Planning Team via email at or by phone on 01493 846270.

Last modified on 06 March 2024

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