Pay policy statement 2022-23
Remuneration of senior managers
Chief Executive
The Council's Chief Executive is the Council's Head of Paid Service. As at 31 March 2022, the FTE salary range for this post is £117,982 - £133,825. There are five incremental points in the grade.
It is the Council's policy that the FTE salary range for the post of Chief Executive will normally be no greater than 8.5x the FTE salary range of a Band 1 'Green Book' employee. This maximum is not being exceeded. The current pay levels within the Council define the pay multiple between the median full time equivalent (FTE) earnings and the Chief Executive as 1:5.43. Notwithstanding, the value of the spinal column points in the Chief Executive's grade will be updated by the pay awards notified from time to time by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Executives of Local Authorities.
The Chief Executive also receives a (Deputy) Returning Officer fee in respect of County, District and Parish Council Elections. The fee for undertaking this role in Norfolk is calculated in accordance with a formula approved annually by the Norfolk Chief Executives' Group, based on a recommendation by the County Electoral Officers' Group. Fees for conducting Parliamentary Elections are determined by way of a Statutory Instrument.
The Directors report to the Chief Executive. As at 31 March 2022, the annual FTE range for the grade of the Director posts is currently £73,387 - £87,889.
It is the Council's policy that the FTE salary range for the posts of Director will normally be no greater than 6x the FTE salary range of a Band 1 'Green Book' employee. This maximum is not being exceeded. The current pay levels within the Council define the multiple between the median employee full time equivalent (FTE) earnings and the median Chief Officers' earnings as 1:3.36. Notwithstanding, the value of the SCPs in the Director grades will be updated by the pay awards notified from time to time by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Officers of Local Authorities.
The Council's Monitoring Officer is employed by Norfolk County Council (through a secondment agreement). This Policy Statement does not, therefore, concern the remuneration of the post whose holder undertakes that role.
The Council's S151 Officer and Deputy, where employed directly by the Council, also receive a supplement of up to £5,000 for undertaking their statutory duties.
Heads of Service
The Heads of Service report to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). ELT is comprised of the Chief Executive and the Directors. As at 31 March 2022, the annual FTE salary range for the Heads of Service posts is £61,772 - £66,278. There are five incremental points in the grade.
It is the Council's policy that the FTE salary range for Head of Service posts will normally be no greater than 4.5x the FTE salary range of a Band 1 'Green Book' employee. This maximum is not being exceeded.
The values of the SCPs in this pay grade are updated by the pay awards notified from time to time by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.
Senior Managers (MGR-11)
As at 31 March 2022, the annual FTE salary range for the Senior Managers post is £49,174 - £52,381. There are five incremental points in the grade.
The values of the SCPs in this pay grade is updated by the pay awards notified from time to time by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.