Top tips for getting hold of your £150 energy rebate
Thousands of residents in and around Great Yarmouth who are in line for the government's £150 energy rebate are being urged to check how they will receive their cash payment.
People living in properties rated in Council Tax bands rated A-D are eligible for the one-off payment which the government has introduced to help people with rising energy costs.
Although it is called a rebate, the government has asked councils to pay the money direct into people's bank accounts as a one-off payment, rather than take it off council tax bills.
This means people who already pay their council tax by direct debit will get the money automatically in May without needing to do anything, as Great Yarmouth Borough Council already holds bank details.
For anyone who pays by another method, the council will need to collect bank account details to be able to make the payment. Residents should wait to hear from the council during May to share these details - there is no need to contact the council in advance, just watch out for your application form in the post.
The Council has issued the following top tips for council tax payers:
- Check if you are eligible for the payment: to qualify for the rebate you must be in a property rated in council tax bands A to D, and not be a second home or empty property. If you are unsure of your council tax band, check online at or check your printed council tax bill
- Make sure you pay your council tax by direct debit: if you don't already, it's not too late - sign up online at by March 31
- If you don't want to pay by Direct Debit, don't worry: the council will contact you during May to get your bank details to make sure you don't miss out. You do not need to contact the council but do look out for the application form.
- It doesn't matter if you get a council tax discount: people who receive a single person's discount or other council tax support will still get the full £150 payment
- Remember to keep paying your council tax: the £150 is being paid straight to your bank account, so you will still need to pay your council tax as normal. You will receive a bill for the new financial year from April in the next few weeks.
- The money is yours to keep: unlike the £200 energy rebate being paid via electricity and gas bills in the autumn, this is a one-off payment that won't affect your future bills
- If you live in a higher band property, you still might be able to get help: the Government is providing some money to help people in higher-rated homes. The details of who will be able to receive this are being worked out and will be published soon.