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Local development scheme

This Local Development Scheme sets out Great Yarmouth Borough Council's intended programme of formal Local Plan preparation. The Council's plans cover the whole of the Borough except those parts lying within the Broads area (where the Broads Authority are the local planning authority and prepare a Local Plan).

It should be appreciated that the formal Local Plan documents which this scheme covers are only part of the forward planning work undertaken by the Council. Other work includes cooperation with other public organisations (including joint non-statutory plans and research); project work to facilitate developments or environmental improvements; preparation of supplementary planning documents and guidance; and advice and support to communities preparing neighbourhood plans.

The Council will keep the progress against the intentions indicated in this Local Development Scheme under review and report this in its Annual Monitoring Report. The Council may revise this Local Development Scheme if required to reflect any changes in either the documents to be produced, or the anticipated timetable for their production. These could be affected by, for example, changes in the planning system, resource constraints, or unforeseen issues.

Current Local Plan Documents

The following documents comprise the current development plan for the local planning authority of Great Yarmouth Borough Council:

Proposed Local Plan Documents

New Local Plan (covering period to 2041)

Subject Matter

This plan will replace the current (2013-2030) Local Plan which is made up of the Core Strategy (Local Plan Part 1) and the Local Plan Part 2. It is intended the new Local Plan will be a single document.

The period covered by the new plan is anticipated to cover the period to 2041 to ensure a 15-year coverage of strategic policies on adoption in line with the National Planning Policy Framework.

The Local Plan will cover the entire Borough except those areas covered by the Broads Authority.

The plan will include a strategy for development, including identifying needs for housing and economic development. The plan will identify land for development and other site and area specific strategic and non-strategic policies. The plan will include detailed strategic policies and non-strategic policies to help determine planning applications.


  1. Preparation of evidence and call for sites: Completed - Autumn 2021-Summer 2022

    This stage involved collation of key evidence to inform the Local Plan such as a housing needs assessment, employment land needs assessment, and sustainability evidence. It also involved a 'call for sites' where members of the public, landowners, developers, parish councils, community groups, and other stakeholders suggested sites for potential future development or protection through Local Green Space designation. Consultation at this stage formed part of the engagement required under regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.
  2. Options Consultation: Completed - January/February 2023

    This stage involved a consultation on the key issues the Local Plan will need to address. It also involved consultation on all the site ideas suggested through the call for sites process. Consultation at this stage will form part of the engagement required under regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.
  3. First Draft Local Plan Consultation: Completed - March/April 2024

    This stage will involve consultation on a first draft of the Local Plan. The first draft plan will set out the Council's preferred strategy, policies and site allocations with the exception of Gypsy and Traveller accommodation policies and site allocations. Consultation at this stage will form part of the engagement required under regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.
  4. Final Draft Local Plan publication: Completed - December 2024/January 2025

    This stage will be the final opportunity for stakeholders to make comments on the plan before it is submitted for examination by a Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. This stage covers the requirements under regulation 19 and 20 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.
  5. Submission of Final Draft Local Plan for ExaminationFebruary 2025

    At this stage the plan is submitted for examination by a Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State alongside the comments received at the Final Draft stage. This stage covers the requirements under regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.
  6. Examination: March 2025 - March 2026

    The examination will likely involve public hearings and a further consultation on any modifications the Inspector deems necessary to the plan. This stage covers the requirements under regulation 23, 24 and 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.
  7. Adoption: April/May 2026

    Following examination of the plan the Council will be able to formally adopt the plan. This stage covers the requirements under regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012.

Amendments made to previous version of scheme:

  • Added "Completed" to First Draft Local Plan Consultation.
  • Removed the following stage: "Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Consultation: June/July 2024. This stage will involve a consultation on the Council's preferred policy approach for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation provision."
  • Updated date for Final Draft Local Plan publication from "October/November 2024" to "December 2024".
  • Updated date for Submission of Final Draft Local Plan for Examination from "December 2024" to "February/March 2025".
  • Updated date for Adoption from "January 2026" to "April/May 2026".
  • Updated timetable numbering.
  • Added "Effective date".
  • Updated date for Final Draft Local Plan publication from "December 2024" to "December 2024/January 2025", and that task has been "completed".
  • Updated Effective date from "29 November 2024" to "10 February 2025". 
  • Updated date for Submission of Final Draft Local Plan for Examination from "February/March 2025" to "February 2025"

Effective Date

10 February 2025




Last modified on 11 February 2025

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