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Work starts on new skate park at Cobholm

Construction of an exciting new skate park at Cobholm is pushing ahead this week - the outcome of close working over several years between Great Yarmouth Borough Council, local young people and the skating community.


The new skate park, next to the multi-use games area off Mill Road, will replace a popular but outdated wooden one in the same location, providing a modern, exciting and upgraded facility to support involvement in physical activity. It will be made of reinforced concrete, incorporating ramps and grind rails set into a polished surface.  

The funding, which comes from the council and housing developer contributions, was agreed following a request to councillors by young people from youth charity MAP and the local skating community, with support provided by the council's Neighbourhoods and Communities Team.

A steering group, of skating community representatives and youth workers from MAP, played a critical role in the project's development over the last two years: sharing ideas to help develop the design brief, choosing the final design from a range of options and then working with contractor CANVAS to make the final tweaks.

The new park aims to be inclusive of skaters of all abilities, and of different types of wheeled sports users. Work is expected to take six to eight weeks to complete.  

Cllr Penny Carpenter, chairman of the environment committee, said: "This is a great example where our local young people, supported by our excellent Neighbourhoods and Communities Team and local councillors, have shared their views and essentially led on bringing forward this new and exciting facility for their community.

"This has been a long-awaited project, and I thank everyone who has contributed to the final design. I am delighted to see this being started, a very welcome new facility for all ages to enjoy. I look forward to the opening."

Last modified on 07 August 2020

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