A comprehensive support package for those residents classed as vulnerable during the Covid-19 Pandemic is being launched by councils across Norfolk.
On Sunday, the Government announced it would be stepping in to directly support about 1.4 million people identified as vulnerable across the country.
But public services in Norfolk are aware the list will not identify everyone in their communities who need support.
Trevor Holden, who is coordinating this response - working with councils and the voluntary sector across the county, said: "We have been working with our colleagues in councils at all levels across the county, along with the community and voluntary sector and community groups to prepare for when this day came.
"Today we will start to send a letter to every house in the county, asking people to contact us if they are vulnerable or need our support either now or in the coming weeks.
"Our community volunteers, local charities and council staff stand by to assist those who need it and are not being helped already."
A Hardship Fund has been provided by the Government, with measures to help individuals. Anyone who needs help, should visit their local council website and follow the advice given. Businesses in need of support should visit the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership website.
People are being asked not to visit council offices during this time. They will be able to access information and ask for assistance either online or by phone.
Mr Holden said: "Today we are also asking you, if you are able, to volunteer some of your time to help people in your community, as we really do need your help.
"Or if you are a business and can help with services, vehicles or other resources, we would love to hear from you, as together we really can and will make a difference."
Those who want to volunteer are asked to go through the Voluntary Norfolk website, businesses who are able to offer support should email covidbusinessresponse@voluntarynorfolk.org.uk
Working with the Norfolk Community Foundation, councils have launched a Covid-19 Community Response Fund, which will be directed to charities on the front line of caring for people across the county.
Mr Holden said: "We would ask you to give generously if you can. This fund will help us to support the people in our county that need it, and is critical to our collective response.
"The impact of this virus are already biting hard and are set for some time yet please help us to help each other.
"Please look out for these letters from us, they contain important information."
People are asked to keep checking their local council and Norfolk County Council's website and social media channels for updates on how to access help and support.