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Final call for comments on planning document supporting growth and investment in Great Yarmouth borough

GREAT Yarmouth Borough Council is making a final call for comments on the final draft of a key planning document which will guide and enable sustainable growth, development, jobs and investment until 2030 and beyond.

Local Plan

Many of the big decisions, plans and work in the borough are supported by the Local Plan, which comprises two main planning documents that provide the starting point for deciding planning applications.

With the Local Plan Part 1 (Core Strategy) adopted in 2015, the council is finalising the Local Plan Part 2, which includes new and amended policies for deciding planning applications, suggested allocations of land for development, and also a proposed reduction in the overall housing target.  

This final call for comments, between Friday, February 28 and midnight on Thursday, April 23, is solely on the soundness of the final draft of this document before submission to a Planning Inspector for independent examination. 

Comments can be made easily online at where the final draft can also be read. Hard copies are available throughout the representation period at the Town Hall and local libraries. People are also invited to a drop-in session at the Town Hall on Monday, March 30, from 1pm to 7pm, to talk with planning officers about the final draft and get advice on how to make a comment.

Following this final call for comments, the final draft and any comments received will be submitted to the Government for independent examination by a Planning Inspector, who will consider whether the plan is sound. If the inspector considers the plan to be sound then the council will be able to adopt it. 

Cllr Carl Smith and Cllr Trevor Wainwright, leaders of the main political groups, said: "Building upon and supplementing the Core Strategy, Local Plan Part 2 is a positive strategy for the delivery of new development across the borough, which will contribute towards sustainable economic growth and investment, helping to meet housing and employment needs and infrastructure improvements, whilst ensuring the natural, built and historic environment is conserved and enhanced.

"This final draft has been shaped through previous rounds of public consultation and the cross-party local plan working party of borough councillors. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed during previous rounds of consultation.

"The council considers this final plan to be 'sound' in terms of its compliance with national planning policy and the approach followed in its development. This representation period is for people to make any comments on the issue of soundness before it is submitted for independent examination."

Last modified on 26 March 2020

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