Affordable housing
How is affordable housing developed?
To ensure a continued provision of affordable homes, the Council's Local Plan requires developers to provide a percentage of the homes on their sites as affordable homes.
Developments of 10 or more homes outside the Town Centre are required to provide between 10% and 20% as affordable homes, dependant on the area. Developments of 15 or more homes in the Town Centre are required to provide 10% as affordable homes.
Our Affordable Housing viability assessment states that the tenure split on sites should be 90% affordable rented and 10% intermediate housing.
The Council has an Affordable Housing Programme to deliver its own housing alongside working with developers and registered providers to provide affordable housing.
Registered providers can provide sites of up to 100% affordable housing due to their own funding and grant available from Homes England.
Community led housing projects throughout the borough will also provide low cost housing for local communities.
The Council is actively purchasing properties to meet specific needs. Work with empty properties will see an increase in homes brought back into use, to help address the general need for housing in the borough.