School children put their debating skills to the test
School children put their debating skills to the test at a special competition held recently.
The Great Yarmouth Youth Debate saw teams of four pupils from five different secondary schools compete in three rounds, with the final taking place at the Town Hall between the top teams from Lynn Grove Academy and Great Yarmouth Charter Academy.
Started three years ago by former Caister Academy pupil Heather Pontin, the competition is organised by Andy Grant with support from Great Yarmouth Borough Council.
This year's judges were Cllr Trevor Wainwright, Cllr Carl Smith and Cllr Penny Carpenter, who decided that the schools were equal and therefore joint winners.
The final round debate topics were chosen by the pupils themselves: abortion and intersex individuals in sport. Cllr Michael Jeal, the mayor, presented the trophies.
This year, the top teams from each school were offered a tour of Parliament and a visit to 10 Downing Street, courtesy of the MP's office.
Andy Grant said: "I would like to thank the schools for taking part, the judges, the borough council, the MP's office and the mayor."