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Filming and commercial photography

How do I get permission for drone filming?

Please complete and submit the Filming and Commercial Photography Application Form (Word doc, 112 KB), which has a section on drone filming. For public safety reasons, all drone pilots taking off from (or flying over) Borough Council-controlled property are required to provide copies of the following documents:  

  • Certificate of Competence in remote pilot theoretical knowledge and general airmanship from a CAA-approved trainer
  • Certificate of recommendation for a CAA Standard Permission
  • Certificate of Practical Flight Assessment
  • Air Navigation Order for Small Unmanned Aircraft from the CAA
  • Pre-flight briefing information, including risk assessment, method statement and proposed flight plan and arrangements for take-off/landing cordon
  • Certificate of public liability insurance to a value of £10 million per claim

All drone operators must follow the Drone Code

Last modified on 02 February 2023

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