Go Trade

Great Yarmouth Borough Council was awarded a €224,215 share of a project worth €5.6 million for the purpose of opening up opportunities for market traders to access tailor made business support and increase footfall to our town centre.
The project called Go Trade, stands for Growth of the Visitor Economy through Traditional Markets, Employment and Skills.
High streets, town centres and local market places in the UK have experienced declining footfall, as shoppers favour the ease of online shopping. Go Trade sought to reverse this trend by combining local offers in partners' markets across France and the south and east of England into a unique brand of markets, targeted at both residents and tourists.
The Council was one of 16 partners from areas across southeast England and northern France working across a number of project streams including communications, business support and digital development. The project started in December 2017 following an official launch led by project lead, Basildon Borough Council, it concluded in March 2022.
The total funding received from the European Regional Development Fund, Interreg France (Channel Manche) England for Go Trade is €3.8 million.