Sundry debts
About sundry debts
Revenues and Benefits system update
If you owe the Council money for an account other than Council Tax or business rates, such as leases, rent, or overpayment of benefit, this is called a sundry debt.
Sundry debt invoices are raised if:
- the Council has provided you with a service for which there is a fee
- you have received an overpayment of Housing Benefit
You may have received an invoice in respect of a service you asked for. Examples of such invoices include:
- leases and ground rents - Property Services
- building control
- community alarms
- ship sanitation licenses
- dog warden fines
- GY Housing recharges
- reprographics
- tourism advertisements
- Housing benefit overpayments
The Council is required to make a charge for these services and this is done by issuing a sundry debtor invoice.
Your invoice will state the service you are being charged for. If however, you are unclear about the service, please feel free to contact us for clarification.
Your invoice will state the amounts payable for each service, and will show the total amount payable. Invoices are payable in full upon receipt. For details on how to make a payment, please see the payment options information on the reverse of your invoice.
If the invoice reference number starts with a 22 or 33, you can use our OPENPortal facility to view your account. For any other invoice reference type, you will not be able to view it via this facility.