Universal Credit
What help is available?
When you make your claim for Universal Credit, the Jobcentre will identify if you need help budgeting for Universal Credit and make an appropriate referral.
If you are not used to making a single monthly payment last a month, would like help with budgeting or are struggling to pay your rent or bills, please contact DIAL, a free, independent local charity offering confidential information and advice, on telephone 01493 856900 or email info@dial-greatyarmouth.org.uk. You can also visit the MoneyHelper (opens new window) website for free and impartial money guidance backed by the government.
Great Yarmouth Council tenants can contact the Housing Income team to discuss rent payments or a referral for support. Email rentincome@great-yarmouth.gov.uk or telephone 01493 846726.
Housing Association tenants - contact your landlord about the help and advice they can offer.
Private tenants - check the Norfolk Community Advice Network (opens new window) directory or local advice agencies who can help you with budgeting, benefits and debt advice.