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Archive of Core Strategy Preparation and Examination

Core Strategy Adoption

Great Yarmouth Borough Council formally adopted the Great Yarmouth Local Plan Core Strategy on Monday 21 December 2015. It now forms part of the formal development plan for the area, which is the starting point for decisions on planning and development in the Borough (excepting that part within the designated Broads area).

The Core Strategy (and associated documents - Adoption Statement and Sustainability Report) are available below:

Inspector's Report

The Inspector's Report on his independent examination of the Core Strategy concluded that the Core Strategy was legally compliant and, subject to a number of modifications (largely those Main Modifications (see below) proposed by the Council itself), sound, and that the Borough Council could adopt it. The full Report may be viewed via the following documents. 

Core Strategy Main Modifications Consultation

The Borough Council proposed a number of 'Main Modifications' to the Core Strategy to address issues raised during its examination. These main Modifications were published for consultation between May and June 2015. The responses to the consultation were considered before reaching his conclusions. 

The consultation and reference documents, including an updated version of the Core Strategy that reflects the Main and Additional Modifications are available to view below for reference:


Core Strategy Examination in Public

The Council submitted the Core Strategy to the Government in April 2014 and the Planning Inspector (Mr Malcolm Rivett) held the Examination in Public hearing sessions between 25 and 27 November 2014.

The Hearing Statements and all correspondence on the Examination are available below. The Core Strategy Examination Library (PDF, 518 KB)(opens new window) contains copies of all the documents submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination. If you wish to view any of these documents please email us. Hard copies of the evidence documents are also available for inspection at the Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 2QF.

Further advice and guidance on the examination procedure is available in the Planning Inspectorate document Examining Local Plans - Procedural Practice.

Examination Hearings

Hearing Statements

Matter 1 - Legal Requirements and Overarching Matters

Matter 2 - Distribution of Development and Housing

Matter 3 - Employment Land

Matter 4 - Town, District and Local Centres and Tourism, Leisure and Culture

Matter 5 - Distinctive Places, Heritage Assets, the Natural Environment, Natural Resources and Flooding

Matter 6 - Community Assets, Infrastructure and Transport

Matter 7 - Key Sites

Matter 8 - Viability


Last modified on 09 February 2023

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