High hedges
The Council can deal with complaints about high hedges under Part 8 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003. However, before the Council can intervene you will need to prove you have tried all other routes to resolve the matter with your neighbour.
Further information can be found in the GOV.UK article: High hedges: complaining to the council (opens new window).
To make a complaint please contact plan@great-yarmouth.gov.uk and we will send you an application form and guidance notes.
There is a charge of £500 to make a high hedge complaint.
If you would like pre-submission advice from the Council, including a site visit to confirm whether the hedge meets the legal definition of a high-hedge, please contact plan@great-yarmouth.gov.uk. Please note there is a £25 administration charge for this service plus a fee based on the time taken to assess the hedge at an hourly rate Pre-application planning advice.