Food safety
What should I do if I have a complaint about food bought in Great Yarmouth?
If your complaint is about a fairly minor problem you should contact the company you bought the food from.
If you think the problem could pose a public risk you should let us know. Concerns should be addressed to our Environmental Health department.
Tell us if:
- Food is not safe to eat or actually makes you ill
- Food is mouldy, contaminated or contains a foreign object (eg glass in a cake)
- Additives have been used improperly
- Something has been added to the food that affects its safety or quality (eg antifreeze in spirits)
It would be useful if you:
- Save the receipt
- Tell us exactly where you bought the food
- Keep the food and its original packaging
You should contact Trading Standards at Norfolk County Council if your food complaint is about:
- Labelling offences or misleading claims
- The quality of the food
- The nature of the food being incorrect (eg cod sold as haddock)
- Food sold after its use by date
How can I check if a food premises is hygienic and safe?
What should I do if I think I have got food poisoning from a restaurant?
Last modified on 02 March 2022