Town Deal Board Papers 04 October 2024
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Town Deal Board record of meeting held 04 October 2024
Time: 10:00hrs
Councillors C Smith, T Wainwright, D Candon,
Council Officers: S Oxtoby (Chief Executive), I Robertson (Executive Director - Major Projects),
N Hayes (Executive Director - Place), K Sly (Executive Director - Resources), K Dinis (Project Director), D Glason (Head of Capital Projects & Growth), S Best (Head of Inward Investment), T Williams (Communications Manager), J Prosser (Social Media Manager), T Read (Project Manager), S Cosham (Project Coordinator, Minute Taker)
Henry Cator (Cator & Co) (Chairman), D Barker (GYPT), N Fairbank (Norfolk Chamber of Commerce), L Gibb (Barclays), H King (DWP), M Lazarus (MHCLG), J Mackintosh (Out There Arts), C Miller (Chief Inspector), P Padda (Principle, East Coast College), J Pearson (Thetford Town Board), C Richards (East Norfolk Sixth Form), C Sargisson (Hethel Innovation), T Staff (Barclays), B Stone (Norfolk County Council), H Sturzaker (Civic Society of Great Yarmouth), Inspector A Tomlinson (Norfolk Constabulary), J Wedon (MP for Great Yarmouth Office), B Williamson (Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust), G Wall (DWP), M Askam (Chief Inspector).
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from: C Dyble (Head of Communications & Marketing), J Barber (JPUH NHS Foundation Trust), L Bevan (Visit Great Yarmouth), E Dewsnap (Active Norfolk), R Goffin (Peel Ports), S Hall (Homes England), H Harcus (Ellandi), L Hogg (Voluntary Norfolk), B Hogston (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), R Hunt (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), J Jay (Jays UK Ltd), H Jeffery (Ellandi), K Keable (EEEGR), R Lowe (MP for Great Yarmouth), P Mace (Norfolk County Council), K Moore (Environment Agency), J Nix (Department for Work & Pensions), U Rasan (East Coast College), S Rhoden (Norfolk County Council), D Rosembert (Great Yarmouth Charter Academy), J Sargeant (Bradwell Parish Council), S Taylor (Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk), L Wigby (Norfolk Community Foundation).
2. Declarations of Interest
No declarations were made.
3. Minutes of previous meeting
The Minutes from the 15th of July 2024 meeting were AGREED as accurate and approved by the Chairman.
H Sturzaker raised whether there had been progress on submission of the Long-Term Plan, which will be reported later on the agenda. S Oxtoby confirmed that the Long-Term Plan had been prepared in line with the original submission deadline of 1 August 2024, incorporating the 3-Year Investment Plan of projects and allocations agreed and endorsed by the Town Board in July. S Oxtoby further advised that should LTP funding not come forward it is likely these projects will be on hold until alternative funding is identified. MHLCG representative present confirmed that whilst MPs recognise the significant work undertaken by towns to date, the position on Long-Term Plan funding won't be clear until at least the Autumn Budget, scheduled for 30 October.
4. Project and Programme Update
The Project Programme Update presentation was NOTED by the Board. Those projects discussed by exception were:
Project 1b: Business Incubator Units: D Candon confirmed meetings with Hethel Business Hub along with C Sargisson demonstrates a good use for the Incubator Unit once brought forward. S Best added that business planning for operation of the facility is work in progress, with Hethel Innovation supporting officers.
5. Intervention 3: The Place
N Hayes provided the Board an overview presentation (available with these minutes); site progress is positive, practical completion on track for practical completion February 2025. QS is being challenged to test remaining contingency levels and expected spend. Full occupation of the building will be by the end of April 2025, following a soft launch.
The shop frontage will be in place shortly
Agreements for leases are now in place and returned/signed. Requests for payments have commenced.
A Facilities Management and Operation Working Group has been established. This aims to ensure collaboration between the different tenants to ensure the building runs as needed. A Curriculum Working Group has met which will discuss a shared curriculum that meets local need. Website development is underway which will focus on The Place and what is available within.
Official launch is being planned for end of April 2025 following a soft-launch. A range of community activities being explored to feature within the opening event.
Stakeholder engagement programme in place and being delivered, this includes site visits.
Colour pallet and furnishing aspirations were also presented.
H Cator asked whether information regarding the dentistry hub is available. S Oxtoby confirmed the ICB remains interested in The Place and establishing a hub that trains dental technicians. This is being featured in the Long-Term Plan awaiting funding confirmation. Stonecutters Way will be taken to core and shell standard as part of this project, which will then mean that it is available for a range of different uses.
D Candon echoed the projects inspiring nature and investment in the town centre. He further clarified whether the ICB underspend is subject to use. S Oxtoby confirmed there is an underspend but is not capital money.
C Smith added Members took a decision to invest in the property to avoid having a redundant building, he was pleased with the negotiations with NCC Library services. He conveyed his appreciation for the Board supporting the project and those involved delivering the project.
T Wainwright added his praise for the project, further enquiring whether refreshment facilities within the building had been reviewed as this is not mentioned in the presentation. N Hayes confirmed a proposal to have a barista cart in the foyer, community space at the front of the building will have a refreshment hatch. NCC felt an embedded café at this stage was not effective and will be reviewed once open whether a small franchise café is needed.
A site visit for the Board to be arranged before completion. N Hayes to coordinate with the project manager.
B Stone asked how much involvement Bruce Sturrock, former owner, will be involved in the final finishes and opening event. N Hayes confirmed he has been donating exhibition items and is very supportive of the scheme. He will be invited to the opening event.
Mick Lazarus observed that from dialogue with other Town Boards delivering complex, large-scale projects during a period of significant inflationary pressures, progressing this project on budget is to be applauded.
6. St John's Church Options Paper
A presentation from GYPT was summarised giving an overview of repairs achieved, revised operation business case and development of a training programme. D Barker has explored the Board's request to have the covenant removed, this is possible however complex. The value of the building in its current condition and potential end-use demonstrates a conservation deficit which lowers likely investment upon sale of the building. GYPT have repaired the wall at point of collapse, have launched a training programme based on stone masonry working with the King's Trust. A local operator has been identified which included an outline business case as part of the presentation. A community artist hub provides outcomes no lesser than originally planned end use of the building.
B Williamson added the identified local operator proposal further provides a community hub feel which is conducive to the existing residential area where the church is based. It provides a long-term home for the operator where their current base is temporary. Working with them will enable the Preservation Trust to deliver the full training programme within the restoration works. A wide variety of outcomes will be achieved.
J Mackintosh added that the proposed operator is locally successful, can demonstrate from their existing space their ability to maintain a tenancy. OTA remain supportive of the proposal.
S Oxtoby sought clarity as to whether the change of use requires the covenant to be removed? Reiterating the intervention outputs and outcomes of the Town Fund will be achieved via this new end-use proposal. However there is opportunity within the business plan to improve it.
C Sargisson added clarity of the operator's charitable status e.g. how it is funded and how the business case is sustainable. In agreement with S Oxtoby there is opportunity to improve the business case by making these points clearer alongside identifying any financial support required from the Council or GYPT.
B Williamson agreed they will work with the operator to improve their business case. Further extending to explore their business resilience within the business plan.
The Board AGREED to release funding to complete this project with the proposed Operator pending above requests for improving the business plan.
The Board AGREED for the GYPT to pursue the removal of the covenant, providing future opportunity for the building.
7. Long Term Plan (LTP)
S Best provided a summary of the Long-Term Plan process, timelines and agreed allocation to specific projects in line with the requirements set out in the official guidance, the specific revenue and capital funding profiles and the prescribed investment themes. The presentation will be circulated with the minutes.
The draft Long-Term Plan sets out a 10-Year Vision and a 3-Year Investment Plan comprising the projects and allocations agreed at the previous Town Board meeting and directly informed by the priorities identified during systematic and comprehensive community engagement and the analysis of other relevant data and evidence.
D Candon asked how the environmental investment and rangers team relates into the crime prevention initiatives. S Best explained there are specific 'on menu' projects set out within the official guidance and that Town Boards must align activities with a single heading, even though they could, in practice, address aspects of several. In this case, the project comprises a number of activities involving frontline officers focussing on ASB and other issues that confer blight, such as fly-tipping.
J Mackintosh suggested a small review of geographical areas to determine whether a single youth or community hub is sufficient or smaller hubs would be more effective, furthermore mapping existing facilities which would determine the level of need for the investment. It was AGREED that the Long-Term Plan should refer to 'facility or facilities' to provide greater flexibility in terms of the optimal solution.
S Oxtoby confirmed liaison with NCC colleagues is in agreement to map existing facilities and provisions; reviewing collaboration efforts and exchange of information.
C Smith added work is in progress to consider whether further Public Protection Orders would be effective to address ASB reduction.
P Padda stated expansion of the campus aims to work with neighbouring housing estates. Are aware of existing support to the Rangers team where there may be future training programmes to integrate with them. Plans on the new campus are well advance, delivery programme in the near future.
D Candon express support for the content of the LTP and felt that regardless of the outcome of funding, the concepts and initiatives portrayed should be delivered rather than mothballed. The plan adds community value and invests in residents' quality of life.
J Wedon committed the MP's office would consider lobbying where needed pending the outcome of the October budget.
Inspector Tomlinson presented a review of local research, applying some longitudinal and spatial context to the official data, as well as additional segmentation - including breaking down 'violence against the person' incidents by domestic and non-domestic origin. These indicated that Great Yarmouth isn't significantly different to other comparable geographies and that reported incidents of crime, ASB and 'hate crime' have declined in recent years at the same time as 'detection rates' have increased. Seasonal snapshots were also presented, usefully demonstrating changes in reporting rates across a year comparing winter to summer.
D Candon welcomed this analysis and the context provided and noted that it provided reassurance that Great Yarmouth is becoming a safer place to visit and live.
J Wedon added that they are approached by constituents and local businesses who disagree with the official figures, including under-reporting of incidents like shoplifting. Insp. A Tomlinson responded the figures presented are the official data and that local officers are actively engaging with town centre businesses to address this, with further interventions planned, offering to liaise with the MP's Office to explain what engagement is taking place.
It was recognised that 'perception of local crime' is different to the actual 'experience of local crime' and it was suggested that a communication piece is required to challenge preconceptions that risk undermining multi-agency efforts to stimulate the economy and effect wider investment-led regeneration. This was further supported by T Wainwright, as he too receives negative comments from constituents and is aware of adverse and counterproductive commentary on social media.
Inspector Craig Miller reiterated that the data show that Great Yarmouth is on trend with the rest of the county. He felt the "fear" of crime is often conflated with "experience" of crime. M Lazarus added this issue is reflected in other Town Boards.
It was suggested that letters of support be drafted by Board Members in support of the Long-Term Plan submission. J Wedon agreed to arrange a letter of support to be sent by R Lowe MP.
The Board were very supportive of the Long-Term Plan content and unanimously AGREED and ENDORSED its urgent submission to Government.
8. Youth Board
C Richards presented the concept of a Youth Board that reflects the Town Board with young entrepreneurs and young advocates. Suggesting representatives from existing Youth Advisory Boards or Youth Councils are invited to participate.
T Wainwright expressed he is an advocate for this concept as a school governor, the value and perspective they can bring would be an asset to the Board.
D Candon echoed the support for this concept and involving young people involved in local democracy.
S Oxtoby confirmed T Read would be available to help administratively to establish arrangements.
C Richards further suggested a route to provide a Youth Board with funding to allocate on town initiatives they identify and support. To be explored further with P Padda.
M Lazarus offered to source other Town Boards who include youth representatives to share their approach and format.
9. Town Cleanliness Campaign
S Oxtoby informed the Board of a proposed Pride-in-Place campaign to engage residents, businesses and visitors; addressing issues around misuse of bins (trade, communal and general), further promoting existing community interventions e.g. local litter picks. Investment in signage to encourage cleaner behaviours and engaging businesses regarding shop fronts.
Research has taken place looking at national schemes and other local area campaigns, to design a campaign that is tailored to Great Yarmouth.
S Oxtoby suggests forming a Task and Finish Group from the Board, incorporating Members to assist deliver the campaign.
J Wedon supported the concept and confirmed that R Lowe would be willing to participate.
A full paper outlining the proposal and governance to be brought to next Board meeting for approval.
10. Any other business
Monitoring Evaluation: T Read reported the next report is due, upon drafting the report it will be emailed to Board Members for approval ahead of submission.
Date of next meeting
28th January 2025, 2pm in person at Town Hall, Great Yarmouth.
Meeting closed at 11:46am
Action Summary
Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust to pursue removal of covenant at St John's Church (D Barker)
Business Plan for St John's Church operation to be reviewed and made more robust (D Barker)
Youth Board administration requirements to be defined and support identified (C Richards/T Read)
Youth Board paper including Governance to be presented to next Town Board meeting (C Richards)
Pride in Yarmouth concept and governance paper to be brought to next Board meeting (S Oxtoby)