Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey and survey approach
On this page
This page outlines our approach to the Tenant Satisfaction Survey (TSM), the questions asked and the representation of the tenants who responded.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey details
Engaged service provider (company who undertook survey) | Kwest Research Limited |
Survey fieldwork date |
Survey approach | Phased approach surveying quarterly on a rolling basis |
Survey method |
Total tenant population able to be surveyed | 5,749 |
Total sample size achieved | 560 |
Statistical confidence achieved | +/- 4% (meeting the TSM survey requirements) |
Collection method | For all tenancies (low cost rented accommodation). 85% telephone and 15% online (either by email or SMS) |
Type and amount of incentives offered | No incentives were offered |
Sampling approach |
Sampling method | Based on achieving a representative sample using the following data:
In addition to the following sub-categories:
Number of households within the population that have not been included in the sample | 11 - this is due to:
Any weighting applied | No weighting was applied as all core and sub category representativeness was met |
Are there any requirements set out in the guidance not achieved | No, all requirements have been met to deliver and collect responses from the survey |
Questions asked |
Date TSMs published online | 18 July 2024 |
Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey questions
The survey was conducted by telephone or online via a link sent through email or SMS.
Question number | Question | Response options |
1 | Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Great Yarmouth Borough Council? The possible response options to this and the following queries are - very satisfied, fairly satisfied, neither, fairly dissatisfied or very dissatisfied |
2 | What do you like or dislike about the housing service? | Open verbatim |
3 | Has Great Yarmouth Borough Council carried out a repair to your home in the last 12 months? |
4 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall repairs service from Great Yarmouth Borough Council over the last 12 months? |
5 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it? |
6 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Great Yarmouth Borough Council provides a home that is well maintained? |
7 | Thinking about the condition of the property or building you live in,how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Great Yarmouth Borough Council provides a home that is safe? |
8 | Do you live in a building with communal areas, either inside or outside, that Great Yarmouth Borough Council is responsible for maintaining? |
9 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Great Yarmouth Borough Council keeps these communal areas clean and well maintained? |
10 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Great Yarmouth Borough Council makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood? |
11 | To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following, "Great Yarmouth Borough Council treats me fairly and with respect"? The possible response options here are strongly agree, agree, neither,disagree, strongly disagree or don't know, not applicable |
12 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Great Yarmouth Borough Council listens to your views and acts upon them? |
13 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Great Yarmouth Borough Council keeps you informed about things that matter to you? |
14 | Have you made a complaint to Great Yarmouth Borough Council in the last 12 months? Go to Q17 if Q15 is not 'Yes' |
15 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Great Yarmouth Borough Council's approach to complaints handling? |
16 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Great Yarmouth Borough Council's approach to handling anti-social behaviour? |
17 | Thank you very much for your time. Great Yarmouth Borough Council may want to contact you to better understand the service you receive. Would you be happy for them to get in touch with you? |
Representation of responses
Working with the appointed contractor, sampling was based on set criteria to make sure the responses are representative of the wider tenant population. The charts and tables below detail the representative assessment compared to the original baseline population.
The chart and table below shows the comparison of the survey respondents with the overall tenant population for age.

Age bracket | Baseline % | Respondents % |
16-44 | 31% | 31% |
45-64 | 35% | 34% |
65+ | 33% | 33% |
The chart and table below shows the comparison of the survey respondents with the baseline figures for type of home.

Property type | Baseline % | Respondents % |
Bungalow | 16% | 16% |
Flat | 46% | 46% |
House | 38% | 38% |
The chart and table below shows the location at ward level of survey respondents compared to the baseline wards with the most homes to make sure it is a fair representation across the borough. This reflects the numbers of homes across the borough in different wards.

Ward (location) | Baseline % | Respondents % |
Bradwell North | 4% | 3% |
Caister South | 4% | 6% |
Central and Northgate | 7% | 8% |
Claydon | 18% | 18% |
Magdalen | 16% | 16% |
Nelson | 19% | 19% |
Yarmouth North | 9% | 10% |
Other wards | 22% | 21% |
Please contact us if you have any further questions about how the survey was conducted or about how representative the sampling is.