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Town Deal Board Papers 24 April 2024

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Town Deal Board record of meeting held 24 April 2024

Time: 3:30pm

Venue: Hybrid (Microsoft Teams and Council Chamber, Town Hall)


Councillors C Smith, T Wainwright, D Candon, Council Officers S Oxtoby (Chief Executive), I Robertson (Executive Director - Major Projects), N Hayes (Executive Director - Place), K Sly (Executive Director - Resources), C Dyble (Head of Communications & Marketing), D Glason (Head of Capital Projects & Growth), S Best (Head of Inward Investment), T Williams (Communications Manager), T Read (Project Manager), S Cosham (Project Coordinator, Minute Taker)

Henry Cator (Cator & Co) (Chairman), B Stone (Norfolk County Council), B Williamson (Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust), S Rhoden (Norfolk County Council), H Hamilton (Bradwell Parish Council), H Sturzaker (Civic Society of Great Yarmouth), J Mackintosh (Out There Arts), K Moore (Environment Agency), PCC G Orpen-Smellie (Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk), L Hogg (Voluntary Norfolk), L Bevan (Visit Great Yarmouth), N Fairbank (Norfolk Chamber of Commerce), U Rasan (East Coast College), C Richards (East Norfolk Sixth Form), J Jay (Jays UK Ltd), S Hall (Homes England), J Nix (Department for Work & Pensions), L Bowater (UEA), H Harcus (Ellandi), H Jeffery (Ellandi), P Wells (Senior Parliamentary Assistant), R Bush (EEEGR), T Staff (Barclays), B Hogston (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), R Hunt (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), Inspector G Evans (Norfolk Constabulary), P Mace (Norfolk County Council), M Peddar (DLUHC), C Sargisson (Sargisson Associates), D Rosembert (Great Yarmouth Charter Academy), L Wigby (Norfolk Foundation), R Goffin (Peel Ports). 

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from: Tim Williams, Catherine Richards, Richard Goffin,
Keith Moore, Julia Nix, Laura Wigby, Urmila Rasan, Tracey Read, Henry Cator, Chris Sargisson, Paul Wells.

Julian Munson has tendered his resignation from the Board given the decommissioning of New Anglia LEP. Members acknowledged J Munson's contributions and thanked him for his time serving on the Board.

In the absence of H Cator and C Sargison, the Board agreed for Cllr C Smith to chair the meeting.

2. Declaration of interests

You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

You have a Personal Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects:

  • your wellbeing or financial position
  • that of your family or close friends
  • that of a club or society in which you have a management role
  • that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward.

You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest, you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes

No declarations were made.

3. Minutes of the meeting held 29th January 2024

The Minutes from the 29th January 2024 meeting were agreed as accurate and approved by the Chairman.

No matters were raised from the previous minutes.

4. Project and Programme Updates

Project 1: O&M Campus. D Glason presented the overview of progress as presented in the report. Copy of the report will be circulated post meeting. In addition to phase 1 infrastructure, Vattenfall have divested their interest in the scheme (agreed December 2023). Meetings have been instigated with RWE as a lead operator.

Project 1b: Business Incubator Units: D Glason presented an overview of the report presented. A business plan is being refreshed to be ready for further funding opportunities. Funding sources are being identified.

Project 2: North Quay: I Robertson summarised progress as presented in the report.  Cabinet have approved the land assembly, engaging with all persons with a property interest. Development Partner procurement is being closed out following the soft marketing testing and developer event September 2023.

Project 9: Enhancement to Rail Station: D Glason presented as per the report and update on the forecourt works of the rail station.  Onward connectivity information being installed by Norfolk County Council.  A new Changing Places facility within the building being incorporated.

Project 3: The Place (University & Learning Hub): N Hayes presented an overview as detailed in the report. Hoardings surrounding the building have been updated to advertise what is happening and courses coming to the venue. A mobile library will be available outside the existing library during its closure for transfer to The Place.  Soft launch is on course for December 2024.

Project 4: Restoration and Commercial Repurposing of Winter Gardens: I Robertson presented an overview of progress. Permission to Start passed from The Heritage Fund, delivery phase has therefore commenced. The grant contract awards 5 years to complete restoration and commence operation. Contracting methodology is underway to develop the various work packages. Launching a Tender for Project Management & Quantity Surveyor contract.  Further procurements due to launch will include an Evaluator, Fundraising Consultant and a prior notice has been issued to identify an Operator.

Project 5: Restoration and Repurposing Historic Buildings: B Williamson presented an overview as detailed in the report on behalf of the GYPT managing the scheme. An alternative commercial partner to run 160 King Street is being identified following withdrawal of the original operator.

Project 6: Restoration and Adaptation of Ice House: N Hayes presented an overview as detailed in the report. No further questions were raised.  SO assured that J Mackintosh will be invited to attend the next Board meeting.

Project 8: Selective enhancement of Wayfinding and Connectivity: N Hayes presented an overview as detailed in the report. Anticipated launch of the Sculpture trail is earmarked for December 2024.

Morton Partnership have been commissioned to assess the structure and condition of the wall. A report will be brought to the Board presenting options for restoration and improvements.

Project 10: Smart Digital and Enhanced Connectivity: K Sly presented an overview as detailed in the report. A further agenda item will follow in the meeting elaborating on the Project Adjustment Request for approval.

FHSF Market Public Realm:I Robertson presented summary of progress preparing for the realm works to improve the environment of the town centre.  Preferred contractor appointed based on recommendations, cost and quality. Trader engagement within the market and shops is under arrangement to present the plans and timetable of works to mitigate disruption to their business.

FHSF The Conge:I Robertson summarised progress as detailed in the report.  Strategic Partner has been officially announced. Site clearance has progressed well, final acquisitions are progressing on the north and land assembly on the south is complete.

H Sturzaker followed up his previous question regarding centralised heating; S Oxtoby confirmed the strategic partners have expressed experience on other sites show this is not effective and leads to more complexities. I Robertson confirmed sustainability is being finalised on the project, including options regarding ground source heating.

South Denes Masterplan:D Glason outlined new work to expand and enhance the South Denes area. This will bring together the O&M Campus, Business Incubator Unit projects into a wider development aspirations for South Denes.

5. Long Term Plan (LTP)

S Best gave a presentation which elaborated on earlier presentations to the Board.  Governance Checks have been submitted 3rd April 2024. Next submission deadline will be 1st August 2024 which must include a 10 year vision, 3 year investment plan, 10 year high level milestones, theory of change, intervention and logic evidence base.

6. Long-Term Plan community engagement

Presentation by N Hayes and Filigree (commissioned to develop an effective engagement strategy). The strategy will aim to complement wider engagement for the Borough by informing the Long Term Plan, Corporate Plan and Major Projects.

Community Engagement Strategy is a specific long-term plan requirement. The strategy will retest the priorities since the Our Place Your Stage campaign and projects under Town Deal and Future Highstreet Fund.  The exercises will gather insights and data to inform future projects, wider investments in a meaningful way. It will develop a robust evidence base to underpin the LTP.

A diverse range of audiences have been identified alongside plans of how to engage them explained. Initial publicity for engagement will launch 8th May. This will incorporate multiple platforms and methods of communication.

S Oxtoby recommended engagement with Right to Succeed early on to avoid duplication as they have already gathered a lot of engagement and information from the youth audience.

D Rosembert added the college is happy to host events or meetings and foster engagement with Right to Succeed participants.

T Wainwright raised concern how Ward Members are being prepared ahead of the May launch. Officers confirmed a specific Member event will be delivered before launch including a written briefing to keep to hand. The questionnaire will be shared also.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation

S Best set out progress of the M&E content prepared, seeking Board approval for submission.  

Robust explanations provided against projects that are pushing completion from December 2024 to February 2025 in line with Town Deal Fund/FHSF conditions.

Risk ratings had been updated and within scope of project remits.

The Board APPROVED submission.

8. Intervention 10: Smart Digital Project Adjustment Request

A Project Change Request was presented to Board, proposing removal of parking sensors due to lack of viability across all sites identified. Expansion of Wi-Fi area to increase coverage.  The adjustment generates more than 30% difference in budget which requires a formal PAR.

The Board APPROVED submission of the adjustment.

9. Any other business

Town Deal & LUF Deep Dive Assurance Review: Instigated in December 2023, completed early 2024 with the fund external audit. The Deep Dive closure report received April 2024, no issues found that require remedial action, five observations identified. The Chairman passed on high praise to both S Best and T Read in their management of the programme.

Town Deal Fund representation change:  M Peddar announced his change in role, his colleague Emily has joined the Board as an observer.

8. Date of next meeting

Monday 3rd June at 1pm.  This will be held in person and SO will be writing to all Board Members asking for attendance.

Meeting closed at 16:45hrs.

Last modified on 08 August 2024

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