Council tax statistics (2024/25)
Changes within the budget from previous year
Figures below indicate and increase or (decrease) and are in £'000s
2024-25 Budget2023-24 Budget | 1,114 |
Corporate priority service changesCorporate priority service changes | Value |
Executive and Resources | 417 |
Housing | 274 |
Inward Investment | (353) |
Planning and Growth | (43) |
Customer Services | 228 |
Property and Asset Management | (197) |
Communications and Marketing | 58 |
Environmental Services | 373 |
Health, Integration and Communities | 149 |
Savings to be allocated to service | (41) |
Other non-service cost itemsOther non-service cost items | Value |
Pension costs | 3 |
Interest on borrowing | 191 |
Interest received | (291) |
Parish Council Precepts | 126 |
Capital charges | (72) |
Recharges to the Housing Revenue account | (869) |
Transfers for earmarked reserves | 387 |
Business Rates income | (203) |
Council Tax income | (424) |
Other changes | (167) |
2024-25 Budget2024-25 Budget | 689 |
Last modified on 03 May 2024